A lot of exploding stuff

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(A/N listen to the main part of this song, and then play it in your head as you read the fight scenes)

I woke to the chatter of distant gun fire and the sound of someone screaming. I tried to move but stopped. I was trapped under a car and unable to move. My chest was in alignment with a sharp piece of metal. If I moved it would skewer me. I closed my eyes. If only I could get out! Suddenly the car lurched off me and smashed into the wall across from me. I was in an empty hanger that had scorch marks everywhere. Standing about six metres away from me was my best friend and the boy that we met at the supermarket. Thomas. He was clutching a small object in his hand and every few seconds he would look at it to make sure it was still there. I slowly got up. Zac was engaged in combat with a group of aliens. Thomas wasn't even paying attention. Zac suddenly charged at group of enemies and he put his hands out. Two swords appeared in his hands and he buried them both into a surprised looking alien. He pulled out the swords and they melted into whips. He whipped an alien's gun out of it's hand and the whip melted into a flamethrower. He set the gun on fire and chucked it back to the alien. The gun exploded and took out half the group. The weapons in his hands kept on changing into different weapons with each kill. Whatever weapon was the best for him to take down an enemy, was in his hands a split second before he performed the kill. Thomas turned around and looked at me. His look was a clear message, do not interrupt. Zac was effortlessly killing every alien that he came across. Stab,parry, slice, BLAM!, BOOM! Zac was a killing machine. He backflipped and kicked an alien's head off while using another alien as a spring board. His hands blurring as he rapidly changed the weapon in his hands. He stabbed he last alien through the head and cut it in half with a chainsaw. I just stood their in shock. He was covered in alien guts and looking pretty happy about it. He turned around and ran towards me. He embraced me in a hug so tightly that I thought I was going to suffocate until he let go and explained that he thought I was dead because the car blew up. We are still standing in the hanger of the alien ship. "We have to find the girls" Zac said while looking around. Thomas was nowhere to be seen. On the ground was a small object, the one that Thomas was holding. It's covered in sticky and warm blood. "W-what happened to Thomas?!" I yell at Zac. "I don't know! I was fighting a horde of Aliens that wanted to rip me apart!" He yells back at me. I wipe of the blood with my t-shirt and look around. There is a huge exit on the other side of the room but the doors are closed. I turn around and Zac is lining up the doors with a Bazooka. WHOOSH! BOOM! The doors fly open and screams of agony erupted from outside. Zac chucks me a couple of alien guns and a knife of sorts. "Let's go get our girlfriends back!" Zac yelled. "Wait, WHAT! You and Taylor are dating!?". "Yep, you got a problem with dat?" He replies. "Wow, just wow" I say while shaking my head. "Let's get back to that epic charge shall we?" "Yeah, that was cool". We run through the doors and blast away at any alien we see. Zac is saying a whole bunch of words that I don't think the teach in kindergarten, and I'm just back flipping everywhere. We run around a corner and Zac spear tackles me into a room as the corridor fills with flame. "Thanks" I say, breathless. We come to a collection of rooms and see lots of alien guards. Zac brings out a plasma rifle and starts burning the aliens up. I grab my knife and finish the aliens off. The last one falls as I lop its head off and it's body crumples to the floor. Zac is already blasting the doors away to the rooms with some sort of explosive gun. "BOOM! Nope.....BOOM! Nope.....BOOM! Nope...." Zac says as he moves from room to room, blowing up everything. I hear a loud smash and silence Zac. "Oh, Crap! ZAC! GET DOWN!" BOOM! The rooms behind us explode and screams pierce the air. "Help me!" I hear Eva scream. I run into the smoke and find five hulking alien beasts, running down the corridor with Taylor and Eva. I grab my weapons and charge after the aliens. I visualise my plan. My thoughts wander and a beast smashes against the wall, guts flying everywhere. I have telepathic powers! Woah! I become aware of my surroundings a second too late. A huge fist smashes itself into me and sends me flying. Crunch! I scream as a large white bone pierces the flesh of my chest. I fall into the darkness of death.

Hahahahaha I have nothing to say....the story does not end here! Do not worry! You probably want to kill me right now, but I will continue the story! #YOLO Jaxinaction

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