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I move down to the stairs area and go down the stairs. Zac and Eva are close behind me. The shatter of Crockery echoes through the house again. A girl is in the kitchen, picking up plates and throwing them. She turns and looks at us. Eva gasps, Zac frowns and I just stare. The girl has no eyes. Just empty sockets. "I have seen you in my slumbers, Leo. You will lead many to their doom. You are evil and must be removed from this new world. Permanently" the girl says in an inhuman voice. Before I can say anything Zac shoots the girl and holes appear in her head, chest and thighs. Yet she starts to walk towards us. "You must be removed murderer!" She screams. Zac grabs a massive knife from a knife block on the bench next to him and he cuts the girls head off. Her body crumples to the ground. "Zac, what did you do?" Eva says. Suddenly the girl appears directly in front of me, all in one piece. "You may have temporarily disabled my ability to be inside this girl, but I will get you one day Leo, and you will die a slow and painful death at the hands of someone that you love most". And with that the girls body falls backwards and her eyelids close. She awakes with a start. This time with eyes and asks "what happened? Did it happen again? What did he do to me?". She looks up. " are any of you hurt?". "We're fine thanks. Are you ok?" I ask. "I am fine. Sometimes my body is taken from me and something uses it to do bad things. I don't know what it is or why it does what it does, but I'm just glad that you are not hurt" she says calmly. "My name is Leo and these are my friends Zac and Eva" I say. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Mia". "Oh, Mia, there is someone looking for you" Eva says. "Is his name Thomas?". "Yes it is" Zac responds for Eva. "Oh he is so dreamy..." Mia says and appears to go into deep thought. I look at Eva and smile. At times she is sort of like this. Mia gets up and stretches. She starts to pace around the kitchen. " We must find Thomas, he is the only one who actually knows what is going on" she says. I hear a knock and I move towards the door. A boy with rough hair and a muddy face is standing there. "Is Mia here?" He says in a gravelly voice. "I am here Mike" Mia calls out from the kitchen. "Mia is my sister" Mike says. "I'm Leo and these are my friends Eva and Zac" I say. Mike shakes my hand and I welcome him into the kitchen. Zac goes to the trolley which is still by the door and pulls out a packet of chips. He hunts around for a chip bowl and tips the chips into it. While Zac is serving up the chips and grabbing drinks, I listen to the conversation between Mia and Mike. I only hear snippets of the exchange but it's enough to know that Mike, Mia and Thomas are in this situation deep. Thomas supposedly has a rare artefact that is the only hope of stoping this entire apocalypse and Mia has a power that is greatly needed. Mike was was the one that was driving the car when it smashed into the house. There was another guy in the car that didn't make it. He got a supporting beam through the chest. I didn't catch his name. Eventually Mia and Mike stopped and ate. Mia started to tell us about what is going on. The boy who didn't make it's name was Elliot and he was Mike's best friend. Mia and Thomas had known about this apocalypse for a year so far and they were not allowed to tell anyone. Mike found it out eventually after finding his sister using morse code to talk to Thomas about it. Mike had suffered greatly for that. He was taken by a some men who cut all of his limbs off and left him to die. A man had come to Mike's aid and healed him under one condition. That he never mention the man's name to anyone except the person he trusted most in the world. That eventually turned out to be Thomas and he told him. Thomas had been acting strangely ever since. Extremely distant. So now they had to find Thomas. Before anyone could capture Thomas and find out the name of the man. Zac suddenly got up and grabbed one of his AK-47s he looked outside and walked out the door. " I'm going to go find the bathroom" Eva Whispered in my ear and walked off. I grabbed the other AK-47 and walked out to meet Zac. Eva Screamed. "Stay here Zac, I'll go find Eva" I said. I grabbed my combat stuff and ran up the stairs towards where I heard the scream. I held out my gun in front of me and looked in every room. The was a faint light coming from a room on my right and I put my ear to the door. Eva screamed again and I threw the door open. Four men with masks on where stuffing Eva in a sack. WAIT WHAT! NOBODY HURTS EVA! (Warning the next part of this chapter includes Leo going rage.) I punched the first guy in the face and kicked his legs out from under him. BLAM! Another guy falls to the ground, this one dead. The guy with the bag is looking pale, so you know what I do? I grab his arm and rip it from it's socket. The guy screamed and I throw him out a window. The first guy is getting up so I kick him in the face and shoot him three times through the head. I knock the fourth guy out with the hilt of my gun and punch him until my hand is covered in blood and he doesn't have a face. Eva is unconscious and lying on the ground. The guy that I shot three times is definitely dead. I chuck the three remaining bodies out the window and wash my hands. With my hand washed I pick up Eva gently and carry her to a bed. I lie her down and go to get a face washer. The water came gushing out of the tap and I soaked the face washer with warm water. I went back into the room and washed the blood off of her face. I kiss her on the cheek and walk out of the room. When I get down stairs I see the others talking. Zac is inside and looking worried. He breathes out deeply when he sees me. "Phew, you had me worried mate" he says. "It's fine. Eva is tucked up in bed upstairs." I say. "Um, there are kind of four dead bodies outside this house" I say distantly. Zac stares at me expecting an extension of my explanation. "They hurt Eva ok? I got angry. They were trying to take her" I said. "Oh" Zac replies. " Maybe we should all go upstairs now" Zac suggests. "Good idea" I say. We all go upstairs and sit in a small living area. There is a kettle and a sink in the room with some tea making ingredients. Mia gets up and makes us all a cup of tea, which surprisingly we all drink. Zac and I go downstairs and carry the entire trolley up the stairs to the living area. There is a fridge so we unload the cold things into it. Zac brings up the remaining bags and I fix the door, lock it and check on Eva. I can tell that she has woken up and gone back to sleep because the quilt is all wrinkled. I love her so much. She is a great person who I know I can trust. I go back into the living area and turn on the TV. It's just static for every channel so I hunt around for a dvd. I find "Robots" and put it on. We all enjoy an hour and a half of comedy to lighten us up. When the movie finishes I go and clean the bathroom. There is a lot of blood to clean up so it takes me a while but eventually I finish. Time to have a shower. I look around in the bags. There is some clothing for Eva but not much else. What was I even looking in there for? I look around a couple of the rooms and find a bedroom with lots of posters and things on the walls. I think I just found a 16 year olds room. Perfect. Exactly my age.

I look into his wardrobe and find some cargo pants and a t-shirt that says "Like a Boss". The warm water makes me forget all of my worries and I end just staying in there for like 25 minutes until the hot water runs out. I'm now clean. I put on the clothes and make myself another cup of tea. Eva is awake and sitting in a chair talking to Zac. She smiles when I walk in and I give her a hug. "Thanks for saving me" she says lovingly. "Anytime" I reply. I fist-bump Zac and tell him he can go have a shower if he wants to. He goes and has a shower while I go down into the kitchen with Eva and start to make dinner. Eva and I have way to much fun cooking and I end up having another shower. Dinner is great. We have lasagna. We ask Mike ad Mia if they want to stay for the night and they say yes. We all choose our rooms and start getting ready for bed.

SUPER LONG CHAPTER! I guess I owed it to you guys because the last one was quite short. How did you like Leo's rage? Thx for reading my story


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