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"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zac screams as he flies through the window. "ALIENS!". I grab my gun off Eva's bed and rush to the window. Two humanoid figures are running towards the house. BLAM! Ones down. BLAM! The other one dodges and pulls out a glowing thing. "GET DOWN!" Zac screams. I drop to the floor and blinding light fills the room. A mirror cracks and a vase shatters. "That's what would have happened to your head if you didn't duck" Zac said. " how do you know that?" I asked. "I saw it happen to another guy" he replies. Looks like the 20 survivors is now the 19 survivors. I jump up and shoot the second alien in the head. Green liquid flies through the air into a tree. "Where'd you learn to shoot like that?" Zac asks. "Dunno, it just happens". Eva moved forwards to the window. "We can get into the kitchen through the lounge room window" she says, already thinking about survival. I climb through first and help her after me. Zac is close behind. I smash the window with my fist and instantly know it was a bad idea. Blood gushes out of my hand. I wrap it in my shirt and squeeze it to stop the blood flow. Zac runs inside and starts to search the cupboards for a first aid kit. Eva looks around for something sugary to make up for my loss of blood. I can see my vision blacking out from blood loss. Zac practically dives out the window and grabs my hand. He pulls out glass from my hand and grabs a bandage from somewhere behind him. He wraps it tightly around my hand and pins it together. Eva comes back and gives me some lollies and some kind of soft drink. I sip the soft drink and eat the lollies. My vision is slowly returning. Zac lies me down on the ground and takes a look around. " we need to find the rest of the kids". Sixteen people to find and keep alive I think. That's a lot of people. And who says they will all survive until we can find them. I'm getting way ahead of myself. We don't even know what's going on at the moment. We can't take care of others if we don't have the ability to take care of ourselves. We need to find somewhere to set up camp. "Eva, grab your school bag and load it full of food. We need to get supplies and find an empty house that is in a good location". I once read this book where all the adults disappeared and the kids had to take care of themselves. It was absolute mayhem because people where just eating unhealthy stuff and food was not given out effectively. The people ended up almost starving to death until they could find another reliable source of food. That wasn't going to happen. We needed to not run out of food really fast. And we needed weapons. There was a gun shop at that old railway track intersection. "Guys, let's go to the gun shop, we need weapons" I said, not noticing that no-one was listening. Eva came back with a largely over packed backpack and several other bags of stuff. All essential for survival. Matches, med-kits, chocolate, pots and pans, and a small key that went around Eva's neck. She undid the necklace and handed it to me. "Thought you should look at whats in the cupboard in the corner of the lounge room". I got up slowly and climbed through the window. Zac came out of Eva's parent's room with a bag of stuff. He smiled at me and went to the window. I passed silently to the cupboard, breathing heavily. What was inside this cupboard that Eva seemed so scared about. I put the key in the lock and twisted it. It came unlocked with a click. I opened the door. And in front of me was a bazooka.

*suspense music* lol. He found a bazooka in a persons cupboard. Where did I get that from? Anyways...are you guys enjoying my story? If so please leave some feedback for me. I'd love to hear from you. Please stay with me on this story. I promise that it's about to get a whole lot more interesting...😜 thx for reading


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