Now. Who wants to kick some alien butt? Or whatever they have...

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After my shower I ran outside (I was wearing underwear ) and jumped in the pool. It was raining and the water was super cold. Eva came running outside asking what I was doing. Of course that made it worse. I began talking to myself in my head. It's ok...calm down... Eventually I calmed down and went to eat something. Because I am boss I needed up cooking myself like seven sausages and putting them in this massive bread thing that I found. I ate it outside because like there was so much sauce on it that it was going everywhere. After that hotdog I felt like doing something hardcore. I found a skateboard and climbed onto the roof with it. I stood on the skateboard and rode down the roof and jumped, pulling the skateboard up with me. Halfway down I put my legs out propelled myself sideways off the bin, to lessen the impact. It worked and I landed smoothly. Zac came outside and saw me climbing onto the roof. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Watch" I reply. I pulled the same stunt that I did before, and Zac clapped. We were just about to go inside when we heard two screams. "No, no no no!" Zac yelled and ran inside. I ran inside to and grabbed some weapons. I loaded my glock 18 and ran up the stairs. Aliens filled the corridor. Zac grabbed his Glock 17 and lined up the barrel with one of the alien's heads. The next 2 minutes went past in slow motion. I remember each and everyone of the kills I made. "Leo!" I heard a voice cry. "EVA!". I shot an alien and grabbed a knife. Zac and I fought back to back. Cutting a path through the horde of aliens. Taylor and Eva screamed several times and then we heard a thud. We saw an alien walk out of a room with a person on each of his shoulders. Zac and I saw that and we sprinted forwards, only to be held back by aliens. I have never fought so well. Nothing could touch me. The alien jumped out of the window and started to run. I stabbed an alien through the chest and ran to the window. I vaulted myself out of the window and hit the ground running. Zac was close behind me. I had a sniper rifle and two assault rifles strapped to my back. Zac pulled the two assault rifles of my back and shot at the aliens behind us. I looked forwards and saw that the alien who had captured Taylor and Eva running towards a huge floating thing that was hovering above an entire suburb and covering all of it. I ran faster. Zac was struggling to keep up and hold the aliens off at the same time. The alien reached the thing and a ramp appeared. The alien took a look at us and then walked the rest of the way up the ramp. Up a head was a car that was still running. I ran to the car, dragging Zac behind me, and jumped into the car. Zac got in next to me and yelled "DRIVE!". I floored the the accelerator and shot forwards. Halfway down the road I hit the brakes and turned sharply. The car did a super fast U-turn and I floored the accelerator again. We shot forwards again and this time in the right direction. Zac opened the window and leaned out. The ramp on the ship was closing. I an upturned car on the side of the road. That would be perfect for a ramp. I visualised the car being in the right place and then thought that it wouldn't work. When I opened my eyes. The car was in the exact position that I needed it in. No time to come up with another plan. We went up the ramp and Zac screamed. We hit the ramp and went inside the ship. Crap, what was I thinking? Aliens swarmed everywhere. Zac jumped out of the car and a Bazooka appeared in his hands. He fired it at a cluster of aliens and a huge explosion sent a fireball flying at Zac. Zac dropped to the ground and the fireball soared over him. I only a tiny bit of the action before blackness surrounded my vision and I fell out of the car. The last thing that I heard was someone shouting the name of the person that I least expected. Thomas.

Wow...cliffhanger...ish....Lolz Thanks for reading my story everyone. Who is your favourite character in the story? I don't know who mine is...


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