Eren x Levi: Whoa... Part 3

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"Jaeger...." Levi said. "What? And will you please let go now?!?!" Levi felt Eren twitch and throb in his hand "Your turned on by me grabbing you?" Levi whispered. Levi smirked and tighten his grip on Eren's dick. "Ah.. S-Stop!" "Why should I stop?" Levi said. "B-Because I said so." Eren said. Levi looked at him "Well when did you start giving me orders Jaeger?" Levi asked. "I...damn." Levi smirked and let go then picked up Eren. "For him being a short man he sure is strong." Eren thought to himself. Levi slammed Eren down on the bed "Since you think you give me orders you'll have to be punish for it Jaeger." Levi said as he slowly pull the front of Eren's pants down. Levi slowly started to rub Eren's dick making Eren blush. "C-Captain..s-stop" Eren blushed he felt ashamed but also enjoyed. He always had dreams that Captain Levi would touch him and now it's actually happening. Eren couldn't believe that this was happening then the next thing Eren knew Levi reached into his pants and grabbed his dick. "Ah!" Eren shouted as he felt Levi's hand firmly grab his dick and pulled it out. Levi slowly moved his hand up and down making Eren blush. "C-Captain if you're going to do this at least go fast." Eren said as his face got red. Levi sighed "Fine then brat" Levi said as he started moving his hand fast up and down. "Ah!" Eren screamed as he cummed. "Well that was fast Jaeger" Levi said as he looked at Eren. "Eh...S-Sorry!" Eren said as he covered his eyes with his hands. Levi let out a little smile and kissed Eren's ear "It's alright you look kinda hot when you cummed" Levi said. Levi let go of Eren's dick and sat up on the edge of the bed. Eren looked at Levi's back and muscles then thought to himself  "Levi's back is so arousing...well actually everything on Levi is arousing.." Eren sighed and put his dick back into his pants and not really sure what to do he went to the edge of the bed and sat beside Levi. " Captain aren't you going back to your room since um you punished me?" Eren asked nervously. Levi turned and looked then leaned near Eren "Huh? Well,well trying to push me out of your room so fast?" Eren jumped back "Eh?! What?! I-I just thought that you would want to go back to your room!" A little smile came onto Levi's face "Look brat I was just kidding" Levi said as he got up and made his way to the door. Eren kinda didn't want Levi to leave just yet so he jumped up and grabbed Levi's hand. Levi stopped and looked back "What brat? I thought you wanted me to leave"  Levi said and questioned Eren. Eren had no idea what to say to Levi he's never been in this situation before. "You don't have to leave Levi" Eren said. Levi looked into Eren's eyes "I don't have to leave. Are you serious?" Levi asked. Eren looked back into Levi's eyes "Yes I'm serious." Levi nodded and pulled Eren close to his body and whispered into his ear "So Eren you want me to stay?" Eren blushed "Yes I do." Levi smirked and whispered lightly in Eren's ear again "So do you want me?" Levi asked. Eren moved away then grabbed Levi's hand and dragged him to the bed and threw him onto it. "Yes! I do want you Levi...I mean Captain." Eren said as he got on top of Levi leaning down to kiss him.

*Note: Yup this one isn't good or okay but hey it's something... Anyway I hope you enjoyed and liked it! Part 4 will probably be up later on this week. Thanks For Reading!! 

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