Eren x Levi: Whoa... Part 5

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When morning came Levi got up and saw he had nothing to wear. He couldn't put his pants back on because of someone's cum had gotten on there or his boxers. Levi had a situation on his hands he didn't want to wake Eren up. So he snuck out with Eren's shirt on with nothing below on. Levi slowly making his way around back to his room. He was hoping no one would see him walking around with Eren's shirt on without boxers or pants. Then Levi froze when he heard something it sounded like... HANJI! "OH CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN!!" Hanji shouted as she saw Levi standing there frozen. "WHY ARE YOU NAKED? ARE YOU TRYING TO BE A TITAN FOR ME?!?!" Hanji asked. Levi pulled the shirt down over his front parts "Me? Tryin' to be a Titan? Shitty Glasses as if I'm tryin' to be a Titan. I'm goin' to my room." Levi said as he walked off still pulling the front of the shirt down. Hanji watched Levi walk down the hall shaking his white ass. "Huh? Commander Erwin was right his ass is white." Hanji said then laughed and started walking the other way. "Shitty Glasses really? Me tryin' to be a Titan for her! No way as if the only way I ever could probably do that is... if that shitty brat wanted me to. Wait. What am I talking about? I'm probably never gonna have sex with him again." Levi thought to himself as he got to his room then opened the door and walked in. He got his clothes and put them on then he heard knocking at the door. "Hey" Levi said as he opened the door. "Hey so how was Eren last night?" Erwin asked walking into the room. "He was fine Erwin." Levi said. "Oh really? Well why did you stay in his room last night then?" Erwin asked. Levi sighed "I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't spend the night in there Erwin." Erwin looked at Levi "Levi listen I knew you spent the night in Eren's room. I came back to your room and you wasn't there." Erwin said. "You came back to my room? Why?" Levi asked. "I came back to see what Eren said after I took a bath and put my clothes back on." Erwin said. "You must have missed me then Erwin." Erwin shook his head "No Levi. You didn't come back because after another while maybe a hour I'm guessing. I came back to see ya and ask but you still wasn't here." Erwin then noticed Eren's shirt laying on Levi's bed. "Plus ain't that Eren's shirt? Why's it in here then?" Erwin asked. "Eh..." Levi didn't want to answer that question. Erwin stood there waiting for an answer. "Well Levi." Levi stood there then sighed "Fine that is his shirt." "Why's it doing here?" Erwin asked again. "Eh... I..I..." Erwin sighed "Go on Levi." Levi sighed "Fine I fucked Eren in his room last night!" Levi shouted. Erwin's eyes popped wide open "What?" "Well... Um actually he fucked me...." Levi said then a blush came onto his face.

Eren x Levi: Whoa...Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu