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After her whole fall out with Colby, Paris hadn't been feeling herself. She had sat down and thought about all the file things she had done and began to feel worse. She felt like a hoe and a bad person. She had only wished she could talk to her mom about these things. She questioned if she really knew what love was when she couldn't even love herself. Love wasn't supposed to hurt and her she was hurting all the people she claimed she loved. Paris had come to the conclusion that she was selfish and although Izzy was equally as selfish he deserved a better person than she was. She loved him and another man at the same time but she just happened to have more feelings for Izzy. She just wanted to make things right but she knew that wasn't an option anymore.

"What you thinking about?" Izzy asked her. Paris had been in a mood for a couple of days and she wouldn't talk to him about it.

"I wanna go home." Life at home was so much easier and she actually had people there who cared about her. If her parents knew what she was doing they would be so disappointed in her.

Izzy wanted to leave too but their chances of running away and getting away with it were very slim. Half of the school tried to leave at some point and most people ended up dead or at basic. They took things like that seriously as well as drugs, guns and violence. It was hard being a black man because no matter what they did they would always been held mentally and physically and even here some of the most racist shit happened. It wasn't no different from the streets. He didn't know what to say to her cause he felt the same way.

They sat in silence, both still naked from the recent sex they had just had.

"I just feel bad about everything that's been going on between everybody. It's all my fault."

Izzy sighed. "It is but shit happen. It is what it is. None of this won't matter when we leave." He wasn't about to sugar coat shit with her. It was her fault, she acted like a child when it came to everything when she could've just been straight up with London, Colby and whoever else had a issue. She didn't owe anybody no loyalty because she wasn't involved in shit and even then, London and Keon didn't give a fuck about her. Once she realized how people would treat her if she was on the other end of things she wouldn't give a fuck because neither would they.

"So what should I do?" She asked.

"It's nothing you can do but let it be." That was the best advice he could give her. The damaged was done and it was what it was. If they were really family how they claimed them this would just be a bump in the road for them. Other than that, he definitely wasn't letting anybody fuck with her. "Do how you tell me and let the universe work it out." He laughed. Paris always told him that shit.

Paris chuckled. "We'll see."

They laid quietly for a couple more minutes before their was a loud knock- more like banging. Paris looked at Izzy and he looked at her. They both got up to answer the door but Izzy stopped her, not sure why somebody was banging on the door like that. He quickly slid on some sweats and Paris put on what she could as well before he opened the door.

Three big officers and the dean of students walked in. "I need you two to step outside while we search the room." The dean said.

"For what?" Izzy asked.

Paris's heart began to race, they had weed under the mattress but it was barely an 8th.

"Step outside." The dean spoke sternly as he gestured for them to go outside.

They did as told and stepped outside standing against the wall while one other officer watched them. Izzy knew they had weed in the room and hoped they didn't find it because drugs was another big violation. But how would they know that it was weed inside of their room? Somebody set them up.

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