Chapter 23 - Second Confrontation

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So much for my hard core training. I had to work all day. Because my mum and I aren’t the richest people in the world just before Derek turned me I asked my boss for more hours to make some extra money. As much fun as working at the cinemas sounds it’s boring as hell. Yes I got paid $12.50 an hour and because it’s Saturday I got paid time and a half so the money is good, but standing behind a counter serving other people popcorn and hearing about how good the movies are… not the best. My shift eventually finished and I went home. It was almost 6pm and it was just getting dark. I walked through the door and was met by my mother with a glass in hand. Thankfully she apparently only just got home. If she had been drinking a lot I would have smelt it.

“Where were you last night?”

“What? I told you I was studying with Stiles.”

“No I ran into Stiles’ dad. Stiles was at the police station last night. Your friend Isaac escaped from prison and he was a witness.”

Oh crap. Why did last night have to be the night she remembers the conversation we had. “Oh, okay so I wasn’t with Stiles.”

“So where were you?” her voice was rising. I decided to feed my mum the same lies I gave Stiles last week with a few alterations.

“I was on a date and I didn’t think you would approve because he’s eighteen.”

“Until midnight?”

“Yes we were on our way back, but his car got a flat tyre and we didn’t have a spare so we were waiting for a tow for about two hours.”

“Who is he?”

“He finished school last year, his name is Jake and I met him at work.”

“I liked it better when you were dating Matt.”

Oh right, I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but before my dad left I had a boyfriend called Matt. I broke up with him shortly after my parents split because I needed space. And in case you’re wondering yes that was him on the lacrosse field; number 8. Scott knocked him down. He was never the most popular person in school, but I always thought he was really cute and my mum loved him. He’s really smart and a great photographer. Also completely harmless, unlike this mysterious eighteen year-old who I was out with until midnight. I was really tempted to just tell her Derek Hale, but then that would be even worse considering he is 23 and was an alleged killer a few weeks back. I really wish I said I was with Scott last night now instead of Stiles, but it’s not like I could have changed my mind today because there wouldn’t have been a reason to cover up for it if I had been with Scott.  This was so not my day.

“Well Jake and I are only friends at this point mum so don’t get too worried.”

“Alright, but next time tell me before you go out and send a text and don’t lie.”

“Right. Sorry.” This is why I loved my mum. She didn’t really mind teenage rebellion unless she was drunk, which she wasn’t… yet.

“Dinner’s ready. Had a long day at the hospital so I just bought some pizza.”

“Sounds great.” I smiled and bolted into the kitchen. I was starving. Of course just as I bit into my first piece my phone went off. It was Derek.

Come up stairs. Need to talk. –Derek

I couldn’t decide if I should be creeped out by the fact that Derek had jumped through my window or worried by the fact that it was so important that he felt the need too.

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