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3rd Person POV

George and Sai arrived at his apartment. George unlocked the door and the two headed inside. 

"Lads?", George called out for the other three Beatles but no one replied. 

"Guess they're sleeping. You can meet them tomorrow." 

George took her hand and led her to his bedroom. She reluctantly followed him. 


"Yes love"

"I don't have anything to sleep in."

"Oh. I hadn't thought of that! Lucky for you though, I have a lot of shirts that you can wear. Say, where do you live.?"

"Well, I live...nowhere. I moved to this area of Liverpool after my parents kicked me out. I was gonna just stay in the bedroom the pub had. But we both know what happened."

George stayed silent. He handed her his button up shirt he was wearing right now and was shirtless. Sai tried not to stare. 

"Here. I'll leave you to it. I'll get you a glass of water"

"Ok", she said. 

George returned with a glass of water. He forgot that Sai was changing and walked in on her with her bra on. 

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Sai. Please forgive me! It was an accident!"

"Its ok George. At least you have the decency to apologize."

As George walked in, he noticed a good number of bruises on her shoulders and her back.

"Sai, if you don't mind me asking, who caused you these bruises? Was it the same man who we encountered?"

"No. They happened over time. I've learned to blow them off."

"Sai, love, you can't just blow these things off. I know we just met, and I am in no proper position to say this, but there's something about you. Something. I just can't put my finger on it. I care about you. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't know, I--"

George was cut off by Sai's arms wrapping around his middle. Her small 5'0 body fit into his 5'10 gigantic stature. She melted into his arms and sobbed into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face into the crook of her neck. He began crying as well. They pulled away after what seemed like an eternity. They both wiped their tears with haste. 

"George. Thank you. I've never been held like that. I felt so safe in your arms. I've never felt cared for you know? Thanks a lot." 

"No problem. Oh, and by the way, my shirt makes you look 10 times smaller than you normally are."

"Oh sod off Harrison!", Sai laughed and hit his arm playfully. 

George took out a spare mattress from underneath his bed.

"Here. I'll sleep on the mattress and you can sleep in the bed."

"No its fine George. You should get the bed!"

"Are you kidding me? You're my guest! I have to treat you with a specialty. "

George hugged Sai one more time and he fell fast asleep. 


Sai's POV

 I can't believe how nice George is being to me. I'm not used to being treated this kindly. George is different. Let's just hope the rest of them are as kind as him. 

A.N: Here's chapter 2 lovies! I know they are kinda short, but I am planning on making this story very long. So yeah! Vote, Comment, etc. You know the drill lol! 

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