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Sai's POV

I heard the rattling of the screen in front of us and jolted awake. 

"Sir, you, the car is at the restaurant. I'd appreciate it if you would get out."

'Golly. What put him in such a mood?"

"Yes. Just a minute.", I said, trying to be as polite as possible. 

I tried to shake George to awake him, but that didn't work. I kissed his nose and cheeks and lips. I kissed his lips for quite a while before I felt him kiss back.  

"Come on Georgie, we're here", I said and pecked his lips

"Mmmmm mummy I don't wanna get up."

"Come on Harrison", I opened the door and pulled him out. He suddenly blinked rapidly. 

"I'M AWAKE MUM! I'M AWAKE!", I laughed as he looked like a drunk bastard. 

"George, it's me, Sai" 

"OH! Oh. Sai. I missed you, love."

"George we were sleeping in the car. Come 'ed! We have dinner reservations!", I tried to get him to hurry up before someone recognized. Luckily, his scarf and hat kind of disguised him. He came back to his senses and wrapped his arm around my waist and lead me to the Ritz Hotel.  

I had never been in such a posh place. It was very quiet. I wrapped my arm around him to feel safe. I'd never been allowed to go to places like these. I had to have my interview for the lab at a diner! The security guard only let us in because George was with me. I think some people recognized him through the top hat and scarf. They saw his arm wrapped around my waist and gave me a mix of disgusted and disappointed looks. I tightened up and began to think if this was a good idea. 

George sensed me tense up and rubbed my back soothingly. 

"Don't worry about them petal. I find it quite funny that they are behaving so childishly. Hang on. I've got an idea. Give me a kiss.", George said puckering his lips. 

" But George...what will they think?", I asked. But, the look he had on his face made me realize what he wanted to do. I stood on my tiptoes, cupped his face in my hands, and pecked his lips.  I heard a couple of groans and huffs from the others. 

"She's with me!", George yelled. I laughed against his neck. 

We then linked arms and I leaned against his shoulder and walked to our table. 

8:45 pm (Still Sai's POV)

"That was too good," George said and huffed as he patted his still flat belly, indicating he was stuffed

'Blessed with fast metabolism', I thought. 

"I don't know why we didn't call for a taxi, Mal brought my car here.", George said

I slapped his arm playfully

"Hey! Weren't you the one who said 'Sai, I'm gonna call Mal to bring a car for me. I don't want you to be treated poorly again.'", I said, lowering my voice to mock him.

"You and your big brains.", George said and pecked my lips. 

George started up the car and we rode home. Throughout the car ride, George placed one arm on the steering wheel, and the other on my knee. He would occasionally stroke it. 

"Yeah, it was. Thank you for taking me out George. And thank you for loving me so much this past month. I've never felt this loved before. Quite frankly, not even by my own parents."

"Love, pardon me for asking, why do you talk so ill of your parents?", George asked. 

"They never really loved me. They wanted to have a boy you see. In our traditions, having a boy is considered better. They got the dowry.  All a girl's role was to cook and clean and provide children. My mom couldn't get pregnant after me, so naturally, they were furious. No more chances of having a boy. They're quite old fashioned you see. When I told them I was graduating high school early, they were furious. They wanted me to get married. We do arrange marriages in India. I never liked that. Apparently, they had already picked out some random guy...without my consent! I had a big argument with them. However,  I graduated at 16 and went to Oxford for the next four years. I earned my bachelor's degree in 2 years and my Master's in one year, and my PhD the next year. I came back home only to find my bags packed in the front door. They basically kicked me out for having a good education and being successful. I don't know. It still hurts. It hurts when I see people with their parents, laughing and having a good time. And to know I never experienced that, it hurts. I don't even know why you love me. I sometimes feel as if I'm not good enough for you. You probably would have liked me better if I was like those models. Look at them! They're so beautiful! The way their faces look so put together and the way their hair falls! You'd be doing much better with one of them. But here you are stuck with some Indian girl who can't even do her hair or makeup like them.", Tears started to pour out of my eyes. 

George didn't say anything and pulled over. His arms immediately went around me. He rubbed his hand up and down my back, a gesture he learned calmed me down. 

He cupped my face with his large hands and wiped the tears off my face with his thumbs. He gave me a peck on my lips and his lips lingered on for a while. 

"Sai. I love you. I love you for you. Do you know what attracted you to me the most? The fact that you weren't like the models. The fact that you didn't need makeup! Do you know what makes me feel about those girls that load their faces with makeup? I think they're insecure! You're so confident and beautiful! God, I can't say it enough! You are beautiful and loved. Maybe not by your parents, but you are loved by me, the lads, Cyn, ME! I love you Sai. I love you. You don't realize how much I need you. I'll love you all the time and never leave you." He started crying too. What a mess we were. Quite the sight to see to others if they managed to look through the windows. 

Tears poured down my face and I pulled his head to give him a passionate, but wet kiss. 

"Did ya really mean all of that?" 

"Do you think I'd be crying if I didn't?", he said poking my sides while still maintaining eye contact with me. 

"No". I said and giggled. I pushed his fingers off me and held his hand. I brought it up to my mouth and kissed it. 

"I love you, George." 

"I love you more petal. I can really see a future with you in it. I actually had a dream about it. You and I were married, we had 3 kids! 3 girls! We were sitting on the patio of our big house and watching the girls play together. You and I were sitting on two chairs and sipping coffee with one hand and holding the hands of each other with our unoccupied ones.", George said. I was astonished.  

"You, George Harrison, are in big trouble."

"What? What did I do? Are you regretting any of this?", George asked with a panicked tone.

"No. You're making me fall for you.", I said. 

"Do you want to know a secret?", George asked and pressed his nose to the side of my face. He kissed behind my ear. 

"Yes", I whispered. 

"Do you promise not to tell?"

"Yes.", I whispered again. His cool breath against the side of my face sent chills down my spine. 

"I'm in love with you.", he finally whispered, kissing me behind my ear again.

"Really?", I asked. 

"Yes.", he whispered. 

"And I'm falling for you as well." 

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