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Jan 10 1964

George's POV

After "beach day", Sai and I made things official between us. Not with the press. Mainly because we didn't see them, and we tried our best to avoid them. The Disguises Paul gave us helped a bunch. 

So much happened the past week! Sai went to the lab she applied to give them the phone number to call her at. Our house number. She was so nervous it stressed me out. I dropped her off on her final interview telling her that if she made it to the final interview, she's most likely going to get the job. I know how much it means to her. 

As for me, The Beatles have been given notice that we would begin filming a movie! On the 2nd of March! I hope that the tour doesn't get extended because of that. I already can't bear seeing her for six months. I don't want to add more. I heard a knock on my door and thought it was one of the lads. 

"Come in", I said, quite scruffy. I didn't want to be disturbed.  

As the door opened, my face changed from a frown to a smile. You probably guessed it. Sai. It's only been a week, but there is so much love behind our relationship. I stood up from my chairs and walked over to her and picked her up. She squealed and wrapped her legs around my waist as I spun around, causing both of us to laugh hysterically. I'd never done or felt this way with any of my old girlfriends. We both stopped spinning and stared into each others' chocolate eyes. She cupped my face with her tiny hands and leaned down for a kiss. It felt weird really. Usually, I'd be the one leaning down, but since I was carrying her, she had to. 

"Oh, how I'm gonna miss this Sai." I touched my forehead to hers, her hands still cupping my face. 

"Come on George. You don't leave for the tour for another 28 days! Stop being so climactic!", Sai said and kissed the tip of my nose. God, she's perfect. I put her down and wrapped my arms around her waist. She reciprocated by wrapping them around my neck. 

"Hey, Sai...", I said into her neck. My voice was muzzled and vibrated against her neck, causing her to giggle. 

"Yes, George?", she said into my shoulder blade. I had to lift her so she could reach it. She put one leg up like in the movies. I could carry her for days she was so light. Probably 90 pounds. 

"Do you want to meet my parents?"

"Y-Your parents?"

"Yes. My parents. I want them to meet my wonderful girlfriend. God, I want to scream to the whole wide world how beautiful you look right now!" George looked at her wearing his shirt and sweatpants...again. He loved it when she wore his clothes, even though they were way too big for her. I completely forgot about meeting my parents. 

"George, I think no one wants to see me right now. I look horrible."

"Stop saying that! If anyone doesn't want to see you, its because they're probably jealous. That's the thing! You're effortlessly beautiful. It's one of the first things that attracted me to you. All those other birds who smother their faces with makeup. You. Don't. You're so beautiful Sai. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." 

"Aww Georgie, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me.", she took her face out of my shoulder blade and pecked my lips and smushed my cheeks together with her palms.  

"You're so adorable Georgie.", she said in baby talk. I laughed as I pecked her lips again. 

"Back at you Gupta."

"Do you want breakfast? I'll check on the lads and we could eat outside on the patio!", she asked me.

"Yes! You know I never back down from food!", I said and she laughed. I love her laugh. It's so natural. Not like the other birds who just fake laugh to flirt. Her laugh was genuine. I'd never met someone like this. I had to make sure I kept her forever. 

Sai tied her hair up and I slipped my bathrobe on. We walked hand-in-hand downstairs. Sai immediately went into housewife mode, something which I didn't particularly enjoy. She started getting the eggs and veggies out. She was about to put the kettle on when I stopped her and pulled her to my chest. 

"Sai. Stop. I'm here."

"Yeah. Sit down, I'll cook."

"Sai. What do I tell you?"

"To not act like a housewife", Sai smiled. 

"Yes. You are a woman. Women are so much more than that. You are much more than that. Besides, my mum says I'm a wonderful cook. I'm sure chef George can be of assistance.", I said cheekily. 

"Alright, Georgie. Can you actually check on the lads? They might still be asleep. Wake them up. You've got a long day of recording and you can't waste it."

"Yes, ma'am!", I said as I saluted; earning a laugh from Sai. I pecked her lips and grabbed Ringo's symbols and crashed them, causing them lads to scream at me. 

"Fuck off Harrison! I've got a baby in here!", yelled John. Sai and I just laughed. 

The three lads walked out of their rooms looking half-asleep. Their hair was tousled everywhere. It was quite a sight to see. 

"John, Paul, Ringo, set the table come on.", Sai said with a motherly tone 

"But mother I'm too tired.", John replied back 

"I don't care. George help them.", Sai said in an assertive tone. 

"Yes ma'am", we all shot up and began to set the table. I walked behind Sai and wrapped my arms around her from behind. 

"You're amazing, you know that?", I said and kissed her neck. She closed her eyes and leaned back. 

"I love you Sai", I said. She looked at me with open eyes. Shit. I just managed to ruin everything! Why Harrison you dumb idiot?! 

My thought process was cut off with Sai wrapping her arms around my middle. 

" you too George", Sai said as her voice muffled into my chest. The lads were behind us and Paul whooped. Ruining the romantic moment. I rolled my eyes and picked her up and ran to my room. NO.  We didn't do anything funny. We just came out and ate breakfast with the lads. This was a typical morning with my beautiful Sai. She is truly the best thing that happened to me. I am sure of that. 

'I could get used to this", I thought. 

A.N: Sorry if this chapter is bad. I just wanted to show a day in their lives! Thanks for all the support lovies! Let's get this story to 150 reads! 



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