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A.N.: Thanks for 25 reads! And the 3 votes! Also, we are #11 in the tag #forbiddenromance! Thanks, lovies! 

Side Note: This chapter is a little bit sensitive, so beware. 

Sai's POV

I heard a kettle go off and my eyes opened. As they focused I realized that I wasn't in the B&B. It took me a good 5 minutes to realize where I was and to reminisce the events that occurred the previous day. I realized that I was at George and his band's place. On his bed. I looked down to see that I was wearing the shirt that George gave me. How kind of him. I stood up and stretched causing me to feel slightly light-headed. Wow. His room was a mess. There were clothes sprawled everywhere and his guitar collection was lying in a corner, along with some loose papers that he had written songs with. I decided. Being the good acquaintance that I thought I was, I cleaned his room. 

After I finished cleaning, I examined my work. I was proud. My stomach rumbled almost immediately. I decided to head down as George might be there. 

As I reached, I saw 3 other boys. They looked exactly like George from the back, except for one who was visibly shorter than the rest of them. They were sitting on the dining table and drinking tea and chatting. Their eyes turned to me and I froze. I forgot that I wasn't introduced. I can't even imagine how they must have felt. Me, an Indian girl, wearing George's shirt! 

"Who's the bird?", one of them asked. He had dark brown eyes and almost a feminine manner. 

"Yea, why is she here? Did ya shag her George?", the other one asked. He was wearing Buddy Holly style glasses. 

My face turned red and I looked at George. 

"No Lennon! I did not! This girl is Sai. She was getting beat up by some bloke and I  helped her out. She didn't have a place to stay, so I took her in.", George replied in one breath. 

"Well, why didn't you just say so? Sorry if we scared ya love. I'm Paul, and this is John, and the dwarf over there is Ringo."

"HEY!", Ringo exclaimed. I giggled. 

"It's alright Ringo, I'm still shorter than you." He seemed like the joker of the group. 

"Come, join us. Breakfast is served!", John said to me. 

I walked over to the table and sat next to George. Although Paul, John, and Ringo seemed really kind, George was the only one I trusted. He was already pouring me a cup of tea and brought over some biscuits. 

"Thank you, George.", I said. 

"So Sai, where are you from?", Paul asked. 

"Oh, I'm from India. I moved to Liverpool when I was 5."

"Wow. I've always wanted to go to India. It fascinates me. The different cultures and everything.", Paul replied. 

"Well, It's very crowded, I'll tell you.", I warned him.  We all laughed. I liked the lads. They were exactly as George described them as. 

I noticed that George kept his eyes on me the whole time during breakfast. John, Paul, and Ringo went to take showers. George and I were sitting on their couch. He stared at me for a good 3 minutes.  

"What?", I asked him playfully.

"Nothing. Just got lost in your eyes. They're beautiful y' know"

I blushed and looked down. Then I just flat out asked him

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"I told you Sai. There's something about you. You're different. You're strong-willed. You have your own mind. You're not like the birds I've met, who just agree with me to make me like them. You have a mind of your own. I like that about you. You are probably the strongest person I've met. You've had to deal with people tormenting you. It's hard. I know.  I really like you. I really do. I'm not just saying that. I want to have a chance with you. Please. Will you go out to dinner with me tonight? I promise I won't hurt you."

I just froze after his monologue. 

"George, as much as I'm flattered, I can't." I saw the hopeful expression on his face wither away as he stood up. I pulled him down on the couch and grabbed his hands.

"George. I really appreciate all you've done for me. But what about the press? You're so famous and I don't want the fact that you are going out with me to ruin your fame. Think about it. I'm Indian. Everyone hates me. Yesterday, you were lucky to get out with a bloody nose and a black eye. I don't want anything worse happening to you. I'm too scared George. I care about you...a lot. I feel the connection between us. I just hear Indian scum every time I look at myself in the mirror." I felt tears falling down my face as I rolled up my sleeve. There were several scars that had turned red. Yes, I self-harm. It was the only way I felt better from all the pain from everyone at school and outside of it. 

I could see George's eyes well up with tears as he took my arm. He ran his warm fingers over each scar and kissed my arm, which took me in surprise. 

"Sai. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry", we both began sobbing together as he lunged forward and pulled me on his lap and gave me the warmest hug. My neck became wet with tears, as did his shirt. We spent the next half an hour just holding each other. I guess the other three saw us and left us alone as I heard footsteps and whispers. 

We pulled away and rested our foreheads on each other. 

"Sai, if you think I care about the press, you're wrong. I don't give a shit about the press. I'm allowed to love whoever I want. If it bothers you that much, we can keep this a secret. Only the lads and Brian have to know. Brian's our manager. I really want to prove that I can be the guy for you. Please give me a chance"

Shit. I didn't want to break his heart. Especially after we poured our hearts out to each other.

"Yes.", was all I said before he took me into his arms again. I heard clapping as we both came back to our senses. Paul, John, and Ringo were clapping and whooping for us. 

"YAY GEORGIE! YAY SAI!", they all said in unison. I buried my face in George's chest and he kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me. 

I have no idea how this secret relationship will work, but I hope we can work it out. Life's too short. 

A.N.: YAY! They are together! Sorry for not updating in a while, but here's part 3! Thanks for reading! Vote and comment! And follow me! The next 5 people that do will get a shout-out in my next quick note! Don't worry! If you're the sixth person to follow me, you will receive a shout out in the quick note after this one! Happy reading lovies 



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