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The scene opens in a large kitchen with sun shining in through the windows. The setting is Los Angeles, present day. HARRY STYLES, NICHOLETTE EVERY, PRESCOTT EVERLY, KAMILLE EVERY, ANNELISE EVERLY, ZAYN MALIK, and CREW MEMBERS all stand in the room. NICHOLETTE and ANNELISE sit at a table in the corner sipping on a drink and flipping through a magazine.

HARRY is waiting by the wall, visibly bored while ZAYN and CREW are preparing for a shot. HARRY wears simple jeans and a loose-fitting, but designer button down shirt. High end designers (such as Gucci, Versace, and Burberry) are his go-to fashion. His hair is long and hangs loose.

KAMILLE stands next to PRESCOTT, waiting for the cue. She stands two-months pregnant in lavish, but simple golden jewerly and a sleek ponytail.

NICHOLETTE and ANNELISE have a similar clothing style. Simple, but stylish. Jeans and a plain shirt. NICHOLETTE wears her hair in a bun while ANNELISE leaves it down.


Harry, go ahead and sit at the breakfast nook. We have some coffee prepared for you to drink. You'll be listening in on the conversation, but you don't really care, okay? Kamille is going to announce her baby name ideas and you'll come up with a snarky comment about one of them. Got it?


I don't drink coffee anymore. The caffine makes me feel weird.

(Zayn gives him a look, but doesn't say anything. He waves for a CREW 1 to run and grab a smoothie from off set)

(HARRY slides into a chair on the kitchen's island as a CREW 1 brings in a green smoothie. ZAYN calls action and the cameras start 'rolling')


(excited) Pressie! Glad I got you! I wanted to talk to you about the names I've been thinking of for our little golden nugget.


(bored) Really? What were you thinking?


Well, we already have a little Paris and London. I was thinking about other places I like to visit and Toyko is fun! what do you think about having a little baby Toyko?

(KAMILLE rubs her stomach tenderly)


Toyko... that's... not a European city. I don't mind cities, Kamille, but Toyko is not a proper name for a child.


Well there's also Vienna and Rome! Rome would be cute for a little boy.

(PRESCOTT is agitated at KAMILLE, but doesn't say anything.)


What about Amsterdam? (mocking) I'm sure your little nugget will love to have a curse word in their name. Or, if you really hate them, you could name them Prague

(HARRY rolls his eyes and slides off his chair. Cameras stop rolling.)




HARRY is walking down a Los Angeles street towards a loud club. The sun is starting to set and the street isn't very busy. He's clearly agitated as he makes his way up to a club titled 'The Iron Closet'. The doors to the club are golden and a cover hangs over the door and the steps leading up. BOUNCER stands outside in a simple black shirt and pants. The club's logo can be seen on BOUNCER'S shirt.


Good evening, Mr. Styles.

(The BOUNCER opens the door and allows HARRY inside)

The insides of the club are lavish. A fully stocked bar surrounded by velvet high-top chairs. The lights are dimmed low and the room has a red/purple hue to it. Couches of various leathers and silks sit against the walls. Rich members of society and celebrities sit around the room. Girls walk around with trays of alcohol. A small dance floor is nestled in the front of the room a large group of people dance to the live DJ. Up-beat club music plays loudly.

HARRY walks towards the bar and squeezes in to order a drink. The people around him don't seem to notice him as a BARTENDER passes HARRY a drink. He finds a small table to himself in the back of the club. He nurses his drink for a while before getting up to join the dancers.

A flash of feathery hair can be seen in the mass of people as HARRY tries to get further into the crowd. Random CLUB-GOERS attempt to dance with HARRY, but HARRY seems uninterested

The music starts to slow as the crowd parts a little and LOUIS TOMLINSON can be seen. He dances wildly with LIAM PAYNE. LOUIS wears a pair of sporty pants and an over-sized shirt. LIAM wears ripping jeans and a shirt that hangs long on him. Chains are wrapped around his neck and hands.

LOUIS and HARRY making eye contact from across the group of dancers.


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