I have some sad news

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Hello readers,
As you can tell from the title that I have to tell some news that you aren't really going to like. I have decided to book this story on the back burner, for now, due to the fact that my updates have been infrequent as of late. That does not mean that I have decided to discontinue this story, because I do plan to finish it. That I promise you. However, that being said I kind of have a writers block on this story right now and as of right now I have ideas in my head but no idea on how to get it down on paper. Therefore, I have decided to put this book on pause. There might be updates from time to time, but do not expect them to come out frequently.
On a more happier note, I've found out that I have an ambition to write another Percy Jackson / Merlin crossover, That I'm planning out as I'm writing this message to you. Percy goes back further in time than I've sent him in this story, I'm thinking before the great purge even. He is basically going to be a mentor to both Arthur and Merlin. Arthur will still be a part in this storyline but still a prat. He'll be a friend to Gaius, however, he can't believe what Gaius does during the great purge. However, that's all I'm going to say. There is more to my story than that. But, I will not spoil the whole plot for you guys. Then, there would be no point in reading it. The title of the book will be Percy Jackson, Trainer of (Legends, Leaders): Camelot. If you like this upcoming book, there might be more of them. However, I'm not sure yet. Also, in regards to this story, I'm in the middle of writing a new chapter.

Goodbye, for now, my readers,
The Author,

Percy Jackson and the Legend of Camelot (Formerly Percy Jackson In Camelot)Where stories live. Discover now