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these steps,
I make them daily.
sometimes I slip,
sometimes I stumble,
but because I am who I am,
I rise up.
this is my journey,
and an old soul once told me,
that this journey is mine alone.
it is I to conquer it,
or it is I to get lost,
along the way.

but then here you are,
with the wind in your hair,
the stars in your eyes.
radiant, peaceful, ferocious.
yes, with eager, graceful steps,
you came along,
and I did try,
to keep up with you.
to keep up with your dazzling light.
to follow these voices,
voices in my head that kept on saying,
our steps should be side by side.
but my steps were slow,
I simply could not.

do not feel sad for me,
no dear one, go on ahead.
I smile at the footsteps you leave behind.
for I know we are kindred souls,
I'm headed that way.
maybe I'll catch up one day.
maybe I'll find you there.
whichever it is,
it's a day I look forward to,
with every step that I take.

the end.

(To all those we love but fate drives away. I think of you on days such as this, I miss you sara.)

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