Simple yearnings.

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there's an old memory that still lingers,
that still flickers and fleets by,
as a little child, way back then
I did so pester my dear mum,
for this magnificent red toy car,
all my neighbours had it.
such horrible tantrums I did throw,
upon a determined woman,
whose only mistake,
was miserable, selfless toiling
to give her son all she never had.
Oh dear mother forgive me,
how much anguish I caused you.

there's also an old promise that still lingers,
made deep in the night,
to a fine young lad (me).
a dusty dim lantern its only witness,
of a magnificent blue bmx bike.
all my classmates had it.
I remember my anger, my contempt
directed upon a brave woman,
all by herself, who took on
a cruel, unforgiving world
every morning of her life,
to give her son all she never had.
Oh dear mother forgive me,
how many sleepless nights I caused you.

Now as I gradually accept adulthood,
as the child within me,
is buried deep by the yoke of responsibility.
as the innocence in me,
is corroded by this tough unrelenting world,
my understanding of you only grows
of your sacrifice, of your toil,
of your love.
and at the same time I fail to understand,
why I held onto such,
such simple, useless yearnings
when I had you.

the end.

(I can never ask for a better mother, words cannot describe how much I adore you. Be strong, be happy, be all that you can be. You are forever.)

yours truly,
A proud son,

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