Chapter Twelve

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|Hope's POV|

"Dude, she's awake." I hear someone whisper.

"How did you guys even get in here?" Tyler's voice.

"The door was open."

"No, it wasn't. Now just get out."

"But I wanna meet her!"

"You can meet her later, Jerome."

"She should be awake already. It's twelve. I'll wake her up."

"No, you sh-"

"Shut up." I murmur. "You people are way too loud."

"Just get up already." Tyler whispers in my ear. I turn over and quickly try to hit him, only to miss and swing at the air around me.

It was silent for a minute. "Wait, why is she in you're bed?"

"What?" Tyler asks.

"Isn't that Hope's bed and that's your's?"

I'm sleeping in Tyler's bed... What in the world? "Oh, um, yeah. Hope, you kind of fell asleep on me, so I let you stay like that. I guess I eventually fell asleep too... So yeah." Tyler explained to us.

"It's okay." I shrug. "It's just a bed." While I sit up, I notice Mitch, Adam, and some other guy in our room.

"Well, it's just strange... You know?" Adam mumbles.

"Well, who is-" I rub my eyes. "Wait, why are you here?"

"Jason talked to me about a girl named 'Hope.' I wanted to meet her since Jason seemed that he really liked her. So, I asked Mitch and he lead me to this room." The guy says. "Oh, I'm Jerome by the way." He smiles then looks at Adam.

"Why are you here then?"

"Me?" Adam says.

"Who else?" I ask.

"I'm just here because no one else was awake when I woke up. I texted Tyler over thirty times to wake up." Adam says while Tyler hands me his phone. Every single minute there was a text from Adam saying to wake up.

I laugh. "Wow Adam. Really?"

"I know right? I wanted to sleep." Tyler rolls his eyes.

"With Hope..." I hear Mitch mumbled. I turn a light shade pink as Tyler does the same.

"What?" Adam complains. "I would've texted Ty, but I did that last time." I just shook my head and moved to the bathroom.

"Don't touch anything!" I yell quickly. I shut the bathroom door, and stripped out of my clothes, jumping into the shower. When I got out, I wrapped myself in a white towel after drying off with it. I didn't put on any makeup on, as usual. After straightening my hair, I realize that I forgot my clothes on the bed. I peak my head out the bathroom door, not seeing anyone. So, I simply tiptoed over to my bedside.

"Hope?" I screamed, dropping my clothes all over the floor.

"Um, T-Tyler?" I stuttered nervously. He just came back in the room. I tightened my towel around me.

Tyler sighed. "Why do you always feel like that around me? I told you I'm not gonna do anything to you. Do you even trust me?" He looked said, and I felt terrible. Of course I trust him.

"Tyler, how could you think that? It may only be the second day I've known you, but I trust you more than anyone else here." I whispered that last part.

He smiled. "Then stop being so timid." Tyler walked up to me slowly. I cringed at first, but then loosened up to his touch as he put his hand on the small of my back. He soon embraced me into a hug. It took me a minute, but I soon let go of my towel, and I risked lifting my arms up around his neck to hug him back. I could feel the towel slipping. I didn't know what we were doing, but we pressed our bodies together, preventing the towel from falling off.

I open my eyes and look over Tyler's shoulder and see Adam standing awkwardly in the doorway. I hugged Tyler closer to me than ever, hiding myself. "Adam! What are you doing?"

He smirked. "Did I interrupt something?"

"No!" Tyler blushed.

"Get out! I need to change!" I scolded

"Okay. I have to um, tell Jason about- I mean say hi to Jason real quick. " He corrected himself and scurried off.

"Um, I should get changed." I whispered. He nodded and handed me my clothes from the floor. We smiled at each other, and I ran to the bathroom again to get change.

I wore tight, light wash skinny jeans with my light pink floral crop top and gray low converse. I walked out of the bathroom and back over to Tyler, who was now talking to Adam again.

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

"Talking..." Adam murmurs. I easily reply with a confused look.

"About what? Wanna tell me more?" I question further.

"Umm, not really." Tyler says. "Personal kind of stuff, I guess."

"Oh, okay." I simply say. I would say that was odd, but then again I'm not that close to those two. Not exactly at least. I just met them two days ago. It was always hard for me to make friends in Florida. I always felt this need to be 'popular.' I know, that's terrible.

"Tyler." I whine. "I'm bored."

"Adam, entertain her." Tyler says while squinting at his bright computer screen.

"I'm not a personal entertainer, Tyler." Adam laughs. "Anyways, don't you have a laptop or something?"

"Yeah." I simply reply. "Minecraft, Gary's mod, League of Legends..."

"Minecraft?" I nodded. "I didn't know you played Minecraft."

"Um, y-yeah." I stutter, worried that they would find out.


Idea by: Endless_Eclipse
Edited by: madxturnt

This will be the final chapter  writen by Endless_Eclipse! Thank you sommuch for letting me help you continue the story!

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