Chapter Twenty Five

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|Hope's POV|

Furiously I stand of from my positon on the bed and shove Mitch into the wall, standing on my toes so I could get in his face. "You did what?" I growl through gritted teeth.

"I- I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't mean to what?" I shout, my tolerance for him shrinking with every second.

"Remember that... um, incident with Vincent?" I nod, allowing him to continue. "Well, when Tyler helped you out and I walked in on the two of you canoodling..."

I almost laugh at the use of the word canoodling, but then I remembered I was mad at him. "You told him about that? What the hell! I told you not too!" I slap his chest angrily, but not enough to hurt him.

"I know, it just slipped! I said I'm sorry. I was just giving you a fair warning- wait a second. Did you get a piercing?"

I roll my eyes at his sudden change of topic, but answer this peasant anyhow. "Yeah. Jason and I went out last night. I don't even rememeber this happening." I shrug, shaking my head. The sad thing was, I kinda liked it.

"Jason told me. He actually has the exact same one." Cute. Wait, no. Bad Hope.

"Oh my god, what have I done." I begin to sob, shaking back and forth. I release my grip on Mitch's t-shirt that turned my knuckles white.

"What? You did nothing wrong Hope. I'm the one who screwed up. I shoudn't have-"

"Oh shut up, shut up, shut up!" I was oddly irritated this morning. More at myself than anyone else. "Everything is my fault. I should've never gone out with Jason last night!" My sobbing turned into a full out puddle of tears. The flow was uncontrollable. Mitch looked at me as if I were the craziest person in the world.

"Hope, do you wanna talk?" I look up at him after wiping my face with his now soaked shirt, and nod. Mitch shuts the door behind him, locking it, then sitting on the bed next to me. The bed that was ironically unoccupied by Tyler....


"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I chuckle at Mitch's attempt to cheer me up. He was always like a brother to me. No matter how much we hated each other in the beginning. I could always look up to him.

"I'm angry at myself," I start the conversation out slowly. Trying to explain things to myself more than to Mitch.

"Why is that?" Damn, Mitch was a good listener. I decided not to leave him hanging.

"I've thinking about this for the longest time. I haven't told you guys, nobody. I haven't even admitted it to myself. But I think I'm ready to now." I take a deep breath, avoiding Mitch's stare.

"Shoot." he smirks.

"I never liked Jason. And I never will. He's like a best guy friend that you know likes you but he knows that she'll never like him back in that way. And I feel like a terrible person saying it." I sniffle.

"That's not true," he smiles. I lean into him in a side hug, but rest there while I continue to talk.

"Mitch. I made a mistake by going out with Jason last night. Everyone has the wrong idea now. Tyler probably hates me now." I rub my tembles frustratingly.

"Don't think about it like that. You went out and you had a great time. That's all that matters, right?"

"It's more than that Mitch." I sigh, sitting up, and finally look him in the eyes. "I'm in love with Tyler."

As soon as I said those words that would've once seemed absurd in my mind, I hear two voices at the door utter in unison, "What?"

Mr. Brightside | Munchingbrotato/ Tyler ChristieWhere stories live. Discover now