1: How I got captured

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(Y/n) POV

Hello. My name is (Y/n) Pharaleion. At this moment I'm sitting in the Elven dungeon in Mirkwood, tied up. Wanna know how I got here? Well, first you should hear my story from the beginning.

I was born in an ordinary human family, I have two younger brothers and our parents are merchants. Well, our Father is. Our mother sells fruit on the market. I, what others think, am learning to knit, sew, cook, make dresses, etc. When in real life, I'm learning hand-in-hand combat, how to use bow and arrow and sword fight. Yeah, yeah, say what you want, "that's not lady-like" "you should be in house cooking for your husband" blah blah blah. I like what I'm doing and I'll  keep doing it.

Anyway, I was 30, my younger brothers, Jonathan and Henry were 24, when our parents died in fire. It was an accident but how it happened- I don't know.

We were left alone.

Two years passed. I, as the oldest sibling, was taking care of my brothers for two years, even though they were old enough to live on their own.

They left me to live on their own and I was completely left alone. I met my best friend, Kyle. We were camping and travelling together everywhere. If one needed help, other was there. That was the plus in our friendship.

We were... let's say, rebels. We didn't do anything wrong. Just steal some food if we couldn't buy any. We're pranksters. We got in lot of trouble and got out of them with laughing and running.

Unfortunately, Kyle is wanted in Mirkwood, because he stole something valuable from them. Or that's what they say. He claims that he didn't steal anything and I believe him. We've been friends for a year after all.

The day we got caught. It was cold winter night. 24th February, snowy night. Kyle and I were camping in the woods. It was beautiful.

I couldn't sleep so I put on a blanket on my little form because, of course, only a night gown isn't enough to keep me warm in winter. But you know what? I wasn't that cold. That's weird.

I got out, bare feet, not even shivering. I looked up to see starless sky and full moon shining brightly.

I smiled and started walking around, staring at the moon. I stopped. Exhale. Eyes closed. Chills run down my spine.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?..." I heard an unfamiliar voice. I jumped up and turned around. I couldn't see anyone, so I clutched the blanket closer to me.

"Who's there?" I said with showing no fear or any emotion in my voice.

A chuckle.

A tall, very tall, silhouette could be seen in the shadows. I stepped back.

"Don't be afraid my dear. Or maybe you should be" I saw blue eyes. Breathtaking blue eyes. I inhaled and held my breath. The man in the shadows disappeared. I let out a sigh of relief.

Once I took a glance of my surroundings, I decided to go back. I started walking and once back at the camp, I regretted my decision.

I was captured by the elven army.


Me and Kyle were thrown in dungeons separately. The oh-so-famous king demanded to see "the intruders". The reason we were captured was two. First: because apparently, we were on their property and nobody could step on their land without permission, and second: because they recognised Kyle.

Well, he's practically dead. This Elvenking is really cold harted and emotionless, answer everyone says so I think Kyle can't be saved. But no elf could defeat the mighty prankster (Y/n)! I'm gonna find a way out of here.

It All Started On A Cold Winter Night... (Thranduil x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя