Ch.2 Academy attack

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"The gang you mentioned yesterday attacked near the academy," A purple head barged into the corridors of the room.

No shit it had many loaded guns, daggers, traps and all the deadly weapons you name. No wonder they had called him Weapon addict. His room was enough to be a safe with all the things jin would have used to kill jungkook once he had burnt the kitchen.

"What gang?" He asked and ran his hand through his blue hair with a frustrated sigh.

You could never blame him when he had been trying to break the firewalls of a certain group. But of course even with namjoon and him working side by side, they still can't break it.

"You know, the gang that looked like girls?" Jimin sat down beside him, facing the computer.

"Well, what do you want me to do 'bout it? I could barely crack their system...."V  murmured with a groan right after.

Jimin pushed him off harshly while rolling his eyes. "Come'n, you need a break. Tomorrow, we'll be practicing the dance!"

V got up with a glare and dusted his pants off with a scowl. "Aigo! I sometimes regret being a choreographer."

Jimin only hummed with a nod and slung his arm onto his shoulders. "I just got here, but oh well! To the canteen!!"

Both walked with different auras but simultaneously, the same intentions. One hummed and bowed to everyone with such a warm smile while the other
One looked down on his phone while furiously tapping away.

"Fucking retarded ass!!"

A voice made them stop and peek at the open door which was the guest room in the agency.

"Uh huh.." They leaned against the wall and watch as a pretty woman shoves her stuff into a bag with a blanket hanging losely onto her body.

Jungkook just furrowing his brows as the intense focus on his game was on full mode.

The two looked at each other in boredom and shrugged, walking away to a more warm place.

"That chick looked hot tho. Eh, I'll bang her next week," The older shrugged as V laughed in amusement.

Both walking in the same pace, they finally stepped foot onto the canteen and looked around to spot Jin, cooking ramyeon.

Their agency was big unlike their K-pop choreo agency, it had much more modernity and charm. More of a secret agent vibe captured it to be honest.

Yes, They are agents under Bighit with Rapmon as the CEO of it. Bang pd had never ever known this until a drunk jimin was released and blabbered every single thing that they had dreaded on.

He was cool with it considering he couldn't care less whether they have died or not. Just make the damn company loaded and you'll be fine.

"Mmmmm, smells good, hyung. Can we have some?" V slumped down onto a stool ad jin turns around to find 2 of the maknaes smiling innocently.

"I was gonna have peace. But sadly, the world hates me that much to give such a thing," He grumbled and placed 2 bowls of hot Ramyeons onto the table.

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