Chapter 4 - Vinland

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The room goes silent once more.

And then Denmark launches himself at Canada, scrambling over chairs and part of the table to hug the young northern nation.

"Vinny! You're alive!" The Danish man shouts excitedly.

The other Nordics follow Denmark's example and decide that going around the table would take too long.

Finland runs across the table, jumping down to where Denmark and Canada are. Iceland goes under the table, practically army-crawling under legs and chairs. Norway vaults over a chair and slides across the table (the suave motherfucker). Sweden stands on his chair and crosses the table in three steps with his long-ass legs.

The rest of the Nordics join the group hug, and most of the nations look away and start side conversations out of respect for the reuniting family. England and France don't, staring at the group, felling slighted that Canada seems to accept the Nordics as his family so quickly. America also stares, a longing look on his face.

Denmark and Finland are crying openly, and Iceland, Norway, and Canada have tears in their eyes. Sweden is also moved by the reunion, but no tears have been spotted.

Slowly, the group hug disassembles, and Norway stands in front of Canada. Slowly, he reaches out to cradle the North American's face.

"Vinland," the name is spoken softly, Norway is choked with emotion. "I-" he can't think of anything to say as he lets the tears slide down his cheeks.

"Min sønn," (Norwegian: "my son") Norway breathes, barely loud enough for Canada to hear. Canada gives a watery smile, instinctively knowing what the phrase means.

"Wait," Sweden speaks. "Didn't the book say that there was a spell on him?"

Norway nods, and with a look of concentration, tries to remove it. After a few moments, he lets out a heavy breath, panting a bit.

"I can't remove it," he admits. Noticing Denmark and Finland's open faces of alarm, he quickly continues. "Only the person who placed the spell on him can, and according to the magical signature, that would be England."

Norway speaks loud enough for the other nations to hear as the Nordics all turn towards England.

"Mon ami, did you place a spell on Canada?" France asks in shock. England's large eyebrows knit together as he thinks.

"I must have - yes!" England realizes with a start. "You brought me to him one day. He had speaking in an unknown language and crying out. France, you thought he was calling for one of the native personifications, but you couldn't find one."

France nods, remembering as well. "Oui, So you suggested we do what your brothers had done to you when you were a child!"

"Wait a tick!" Scotland stands up. "Ya mean that ye blocked the bugger's memories? We did that that ye because ye toddled on to a bloody battlefield! Not because ye were missin' mummy!"

"So," Denmark speaks up, his axe suddenly in his hands. "You decided to remove a child's memories instead of consoling them?!" He twirls the battle axe by the handle, glaring at England and France.

"It was my first time having a child! I simply wanted help calming him!" France defends himself in panic. Denmark turns his glare on England, but it distracted by a hand on his arm.

"Let's not fight eh?" Canada suggests, for once heard by those around him. "What's done is done, let's just fix this."

Norway pries the axe away from Denmark as the former Viking concedes. The axe disappears.

"You heard Canada, England," Norway speaks. "Fix. It."

England nods and walks over to the group, still wary of Denmark. "This may take some time," England warns.

"That's fine," Germany replies. "I say we call a break until this is done."

The break lasts for around half an hour, during which many of the nations grouped together to talk.

China spoke with his sons Macau and Hong Kong, a conversation that went well as it ended with hugging.

Siblings Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, and Macedonia all got together, likely continuing their conversation from before.

Prussia was pulled away by the Baltic's. He revealed that he was also once the Baltic nation now known as Old Prussia.

"Ich knew that you were mien siblings, but ich didn't think that you remembered," the albino nation confesses. To his surprise, Lithuania and Latvia reveal that they remember bits and pieces of another brother that had eventually disappeared.

And of course, England finally got the memory block off of Canada, which lead to about ten minutes of crying as the North American and the Nordics recounted old times.

Finally, the meeting was called back to order.

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