Chapter 19 - To Be Reincarnated

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A/N: Causes A Lot Of Problems.

There's a long silence in the room before it's broken by Prussia.

"I was vati and mutti's first child!" Prussia declares proudly. "I lived as Old Prussia with Mutti before the other Baltics were born. Then, I became the Teutonic Knights! I lived with Vati then."

"Most of us were born much earlier than our countries were founded." Austria comments the obvious. "We mostly lived with our Vater as he travelled with his tribes."

"Prussia once burnt down 32 homes in a year," Switzerland recalls.

"I wanted to help while Vati was gone during the day and Roddy was too small to cook!" Prussia defends himself.

"Yet you left me, the sickly one, to put out the fires," Austria retorts dryly.

"Only while I made sure Otto and Lili were okay!" Several of the nations coo at Prussia's older-brother tendencies.

"Lili was born the last out of those of us born during Vater's life," Switzerland remembers.

"Ja, and Ludwig was born in ... Wait, when was Ludwig born?" Liechtenstein asks.

"He just kind of appeared," Prussia answers. "In the late 1800s, maybe the 1850s or so before the German states unified. He grew fast and was already a teen when his country became official."

"1850?" Germany asks. "Are you sure? I remember things that seem to be from before then..."

"How much earlier?" Austria asks. Germany shuts his eyes as he tries to remember.

"I don't know. They're fuzzy, but there was a girl in a green maid dress, a white bear, a mud-brick house, and a lot of blood." He opens his eyes to see his siblings and the old wards of Rome staring at him in shock. "Was?" (German: "What?")

With a bright flash, Germania appears in the room, standing beside the table. There's concern on his face as he studies Germany for a moment before realization comes across him. "Yes... it must be," he says to himself finally.

"Vati, does this mean...?" Prussia doesn't even question the appearance of his father, wanting answers.

"Otto appeared in the afterlife for a period of time and then disappeared," Germania speaks. "Its possible that, since he would be personifying roughly the same area, Ludwig is a reincarnation of Otto. However, it's unclear seeing as he's a 'poof' child."


Then, a gunshot, and a bullet flying past Germany's head and into the wall behind him, making several nations jump and shout in surprise.

"If you weren't my brother, I would have shot you," Switzerland says.

"Wow, tough love," Molossia mutters, earning an elbow to the side from Talossa.

"Why?" Germany asks, staring wide-eyed at his older brother.

"Ve~ Vash please don't," North Italy seems to appear at Switzerland's side. "You can't blame him for what happened."

"You mean when his men almost killed you, or when you spent decades grieving his death?" Switzerland nearly growls, much to the confusion of his German brother. The normally bubbly Veneziano frowns.

"Both. Otto didn't have control over either of those, you know this." Northern Italy stresses the name. "He might not even be Otto." His open eyes narrow and his frown deepens as he studied Switzerland's face. "Wait... Vash, are you angry at him? For that?"

Switzerland lowers his pistol, but grips it tightly. The rest of the nations, including Germania, are simply remaining still, watching to see what the Swiss will do.

"Ve~ I may have loved Holy Rome once upon a time, but times have changed Vash. He's still Germany. He didn't do what Otto did-"

"But he still hurt you," Switzerland grounds out. "As Germany and Holy Rome. And... and I let him," he says, hand trembling slightly.

"Vash you can't always protect me, I'm my own nation, with my own military." North Italy's face softens as he reaches out to grasp the other's arm. "You don't have to protect me fratello."

Veneziano hugs Switzerland tightly, a hug that the Swiss man returns. Once the two separate, Switzerland locks eyes with and nods at Germany, an action the other awkwardly returned.

"What the fuck just happened?" Molossia asks into the tense silence. This earns him an elbow from Talossa next to him

"I think Switzerland went Big Brother mode on Germany for Italy," Conch Republic replies with a vacant expression and a stunned voice.

"But why?" Talossa asks to no one in particular.

"Oui, that would be nice to know," France agrees, a few feet away from the two micronations.

"Ve~ Switzerland protected me when I was small," Veneziano says, as if it explained everything.

"Big Brother has a habit of adopting siblings from nations he thinks need his help," Liechtenstein explains a bit more with a small giggle. After this revelation, Switzerland leaves the room, likely intending to blow off some steam.

"Well...." Belgium says with a small laugh. "That was certainly interesting."

With that, all tension in the room breaks. Germania says goodbye to his children and grandchildren and leaves. After this, everyone begins to go to their bedrooms for the night.

A/N: some of y'all thought it was going to be SwissIta. (Granted at one point it was going to be.) Nope! I've got different ideas for those two!

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