Chapter 18 - The Talk of Colonies

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"¡Sí!" Spain answers with a smile. "Want to join us?"

"FOOD'S READY!" The Midwest twins and Romania shout.

"How about we talk about it while we eat?" Liechtenstein suggests. The others agree and everyone goes to the kitchen to get food.

There's a wide array of Romanian, Moldovan, TexMex, and Midwestern food. Everyone seems to have a little bit of each as they go to sit down. From there, the conversation about parents is picked back up.

"So parents, right?" Hawaii speaks. "My dad was the Kingdom of Hawaii, and I was a poof child." A flash of regret is seen crossing Northeast's face at the mention of the past personification. The annexation of Hawaii had been illegal and while he was against it, he had no say in the matter.

"Mine would probably be Inuit and Russia I guess," Alaska says with a careless shrug. "I lived with Inuit for a while until Alfred found me."

"All of us except for Northeast were poof children," Southeast says. "I guess you could say that my 'parents' are nations in the West-Central region of Africa, Spain, and England based off of who settled my land."

"Why that part of Africa?" Moldova asks, confused.

"Well the South had a higher concentration of slaves than the North did, we were more agricultural. Most slaves brought to America were from the coast of the Western-Central region in Africa." Southeast explains. "Of course we don't have parents in the same way most nations do seeing as we represent those brought to America not the native-"

"Well going off of Malena's explanation," Southwest takes his turn speaking, interrupting his sister. "I guess mi padre would be España over there." ("my father", "Spain" - Spanish)

"Sí, pero I never found you. ¿Por que?" ("Yes, but" "Why?" - Spanish)

"I warned mis primos of los hombres blancos," ("my cousins", roughly: "the white men" - Spanish) Mexico says.

"Sí, so I fled up north. This  was the late 1500s or early 1600s by the way. I met Malena who was hiding too. We met Alfred later that century." Southwest finishes his tale.

"We were French territory," Great Lakes says, referring to herself and Great Plains. "So I guess France would be considered our papa. We mostly hid with the Natives until we met the others in the mid-late 1700s."

"Well Sam and I went from Spanish, to French, to Mexican territory together before we met our siblings and became US territory." Rocky Mountains recalls.

"So ours would probably be Spain and France," Northwest concludes with a shrug.

"Wait I think we were Spanish too, remember?" Central Plains reminds her twin. "Just after Al and Malena's war for independence?"

"No, that was you, Rocky, and Southwest." Great Lakes argues.

"Oh yeah, you were American then."

"I was also British for a while in my Northern areas," Northeast recalls absently.

"They were a big jumble of territories for a few hundred years," Northeast summarizes, cutting his siblings off. "But they were mostly English, French, and Spanish. Since I'm not a poof child I guess nothing about me would have really changed."

"The only one of us other than Lils who didn't have an identity crisis for two hundred years," Southwest wipes away a fake tear with mock pride.

"I didn't have one," Alaska speaks up. "I was Native, then Russian, then American."

"I call bull on that Mr. 'I accidentally spoke Inuit for five months and cried'," Northeast argues.

"What was I supposed to do? It was five months and the only person I could communicate with was Inuit himself!" Alaska argues back.

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