Chapter 15 - Wanderlust

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"Moving on!" Prussia announces cheerfully, drawing attention away from the couple.

"Dear Diary,
I found a word for it today; Fernweh. I guess those Germans really do have a word for everything.
• Amber"

"What's Fernweh?" Moldova asks.

"It's a German term that means 'wanderlust', described kind of as a homesickness for a place you've never been or a place you know isn't real." Central Plains explains, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Alfred, Sam, and I get it a lot, but it's really bad for me. Alfie gets to travel for nation duties and Sam can up and go to Asia whenever they want, but I'm always stuck at home."

"You're always welcome with us, aru," China says. "You all are," the other East Asians nod in agreement.

"We'll take ya up north if ya'd like!" Denmark announces cheerfully.

"Thanks guys," Amber smiles.

"Dear Diary,
I hate that the other nations can't see past my Soviet Era. I am trying to get better, but it is hard to do when they all treat me like a monster. They even treat Germany better than they treat me, yet we have both done terrible crimes. Why do I not deserve the same redemption?"
• Ivan"

"I do not want to be feared anymore," Russia follows up the entry in a softer tone.

"None of us fear you," Alaska speaks up, referring to the other American personifications. "It was not only Alfred who participated in the Cold War and the Space Race, comrade. We all stood toe-to-toe with you, though you did not see us."

"I do not fear you Big Brother," Belarus claims, hugging his arm.

"Da, but you cling to me like leech, sestra." Russia counters, trying to remove his arm from her grasp.

"Ve~ Keep tying to change Russia!" North Italy encourages. "Some of the nations have a right to fear you, so you have to show them that you're not the same! Help them and give them presents, like pasta!"

Many nations stare at the Italian, surprised that he said something so profound.

"What?! Do you think that mio fratello is stupid?!" South Italy defends his younger brother. "A lot of great scholars came from Italy you know!"

"I will try your idea Italy," Russia decides with a smile that Veneziano returns. The book is passed from Prussia to Germany, who - having read already - passes it on to Austria next to him

"Dear Diary,
Ludwig came to me today in tears. When I finally got him to calm down, he told me that Gilbert had been taken away. He then told me everything that was going on in his country and everything that his leader had planned. He begged me to allow any country overtaken by his boss refuge in my home.

At first I was angry that Ludwig was allowing this to happen, but then I saw something else in him. He called me "Vash", and addressed me as his brother. He's scared, powerless.

I told him that I would provide safety for the countries caught in the upcoming war. He was so relieved, he cried again. I comforted him, and realized just how long it's been since Ludwig has been a child. The nation of Germany isn't even a century old and yet Ludwig has made himself into an industrial power. He's grown so much in such a short time. There's so much pressure on him, and he's let so many small things slip by that they've built up into one unstoppable disaster.
- Vash

The Europeans stare at Germany and Switzerland. The German lowers his head in shame.

A/N: Friendly reminder that Germany is a century younger than America, having become a unified nation in 1871. By 1900 it was an industrial powerhouse. Twenty-nine years after the nation's formation it was a European powerhouse AND an empire (German Empire: 1871 - 1918). Keep that in mind.

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