Announcement: REWRITE

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So, long story short; Worldwide Secrets hasn't been going the way I wanted it to go. Reading back, it just seems to bland, like I'm just telling you guys the story instead of showing it to you. I feel like I can do better, and seeing as I'm so unsatisfied with how Worldwide Secrets is currently, I know I can do better.

Part of the reason I made Worldwide Secrets into Worldwide Series is because I'm so unsatisfied and because I know that I can do better. When I wrote those, I felt better about them than I did about Worldwide Secrets.

So, I'm rewriting Worldwide Secrets. I'm going to rewrite it almost from scratch, but keeping several of the key plot points (aka, things I made of was going to make into spin-off for Worldwide Series). I'm also going to be getting rid of the Series as I feel like it was just a way for me to cope with how inadequate the representation of those stories in Worldwide felt.

I'm rewriting Worldwide not just for me, but for you guys too. I want to give you guys a better reading experience than I have been. I feel, in part, that I've let you guys down too, because I know I can do better, and I want to show you that I can.

So I'm going to.

I will be keeping everything that's been published up until I feel that I've written enough of the rewrite. I'll also be under a bit of a radio silence for a while as far as publishing stories goes. You may see a new story or two pop up, as well as some updates of older stories, but I won't promise much. Additionally, I've applied to participate in the 2020 HetaBang created by Lluviadinoche, so you may see something from that posted on here as well.

(The HetaBang will be a top priority for me once it gets into full swing because I'll be working with another person and I don't want to let anyone down. For more info, check out Lluviadinoche on Tumblr or Instagram.)

So yeah... In conclusion: I feel really crappy regarding how this story has been going, so I'm rewriting it. There's probably going to be some radio silence on my end.

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