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I was sitting there in my car at the local bowling alley debating if i should go in or not. it has been two years since my parents split and i went with my mom to california, and now i'm back in with my dad living in new york till i can finish out my senior year.

I finally decided i should go in and see if any of my old friends are here. i slowly walked in looking around for any familiar face i could find, suddenly one popped into view it was my old friend chris, i didn't really care to hang out with him too much when i lived here but right now he'll have to do.

"hey chris!" i yelled across the room.

"jake!?, jake when did you get back"?

"Haha i just got back tonight, how have you been?"

"Man i've been good hanging out with my cousin tonight he's a freshman this year, thought i'd introduce him to some people so he don't get picked on too much, you know"?

"Yeah dude, well where is he at?"

"Right there behind you leaning on the wall". i turned around to see who he was talking to when i saw him standing there with his hands in his pockets and the hood on his hoodie up.

"Hey chris i'll be right back i'm gonna go say hey". "Whatever you say man i'll be here".

I walked over stood beside him and introduced myself. "Haha jake i know who you are, chris has mentioned you a few times".

"Oh okay then well what's your name he kinda didn't tell me haha".

"It's cool i'm bryce".

"Nice to meet you bryce".

"Nice to meet you too jake". we sat there and talked for what could have two hours and the whole time i just felt this connection to him instantly and i caught myself becoming more and more interested in who he was, i just couldn't get myself away from him.

He had the most amazing smile and eyes so blue you thought you were looking at the ocean. we continued talking some more then the manager said it's time to close up and we had to leave, i didn't notice chris had already left so that meant bryce would have to walk home...i didn't want that, it was cold out tonight.

So i offered him a ride. "are you sure jake, i don't want to be a bother."

"come on man i don't mind at all."

"alright then i live over on the south east side by the ball diamond."

"ok cool." The ride home was a blast we talked some more and realized we had a lot in common so i gave him my number before he got out.

"Cool thanks jake i'll text you tomorrow i'm pretty beat right now wanna shower then go to bed".

"Haha same here man i'll talk to you tomorrow then".

When i got home i took my shower and got in bed, as i laid there the night kept replaying in my head and i realized i really liked this guy. i woke up the next day around eleven and seen bryce had texted me so i shot him one back letting him know i was up and it took him no time at all to ask to hang out.

so i got ready for the day and headed to his place, when i got there he had two baseball gloves, a ball, and bat ready to head to the field.

"So i guess i know what we're doing today."

"Haha yeah what gave it away?"

"Your funny lets go dude."

we got down to the field started passing the ball and talking some more, it seemed like i was doing a lot less talking and a lot more listening, he could really hold a conversation. before i knew it it was dark out and i wasn't ready to end our hang out session so i asked if he wanted to stay the night at my place, he said yes and that he needed to get some clothes from home before we left though.

We got to my place just in time for dinner and once we were done we headed to my room to watch some movies and go to bed. after the first movie he was half asleep so i threw some blankets on the floor, a pillow, and gave him another blanket to cover up with.

for the next month this was our daily routine; baseball, my house, movies, bed and do it all again the next day. one night after our movie ended i went to shut the light off when bryce told me to wait.

"What's up? something wrong"?

"No nothings wrong, i just wanted to know if i could sleep with you instead of on the floor?"

"Oh, um sure not a problem dude, which side do you want?"

"Well, i usually sleep on the left."

"Alrighty well from now on the left side is yours."

"Awesome jake thanks."

"No worries good night."

"Good night jake."

I shut the light off after he got situated, then climbed into bed myself. i didn't fall asleep as fast as him so i just laid there staring at the ceiling waiting for sleep to over take me. as i laid there bryce started to cuddle up with me and i really enjoyed the feeling so i rolled over facing him,  threw my arm over him and fell asleep. that's how we slept every night after that.

One night something happened i was facing him like usual when he slid his head against mine and kissed me, at first i was shocked but it didn't take me long to start kissing him back that night is a night i will never forget, that night i realized i loved him and he obviously felt the same way.

for the rest of the summer we were always together just me and him, no one else mattered to us. if we weren't at my house we were at his, and during the day we'd be at the ball field or at the river swimming...there was nothing better for me than to be with him, i felt like i could do anything when i was with him...he always made me smile and i never had a bad day. but like the saying goes all good things must come to an end.

Summer ended and we went back to school at first nothing changed every other day we switched places where we'd stay monday, wenseday, and friday my house. tuesday, thursday, and saturday his house. on sundays we'd flip a coin just to keep the peace.

one day after school he came up to me.

"Hey jake i can't come over tonight, sorry."

"What? why not?"

"I told my friend megan i'd come help her with her homework and i don't know how late i'll be so i'll just go to my place."

"Oh ok well i'll see you later then."

Every night for the next two weeks he'd use the same line, and i could feel us drifting apart.

"Hey jake we need to talk."

"Sure dude what's up?"

"I don't think we can be together anymore."

my mouth dropped and i almost screamed, "Why?"

"Megan asked me out last night and i think i really like her, jake i think we are just better off as friends...don't you?"

"Well hell no i don't but i don't want to lose you for good so i guess it will have to do."

everytime he'd stay with me it was like old times

It got really confusing for me so i asked him what exactly he wanted and all he had to say was "I don't want anything from you, nothing jake no friendship, no kissing, no talking, or anything i'm done just leave me alone!"

I stood there crying as i watched him walk away.

He meant what he said every text i sent got ignored, if i went to his house he wasn't home...i felt so lost, so hurt, and just down right depressed. how could something so great end so terribly? the one person i truelly loved just left me with nothing.....

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