Part 7

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            I crack a smile upon entering the next apartment

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            I crack a smile upon entering the next apartment. It is not every lifetime where you find yourself in a previous writer's workshop. But because stories are rather untimely, it is possible that a writer's workshops are ubiquitous.

            Shay Reed was a writer of many things. Newspaper articles, screenplays, children's books, you name it. Whatever idea she had in her mind, regardless of whether it came up in the shower or at three in the morning, she would write it down. Even if it meant running out of the shower, stark naked with shampoo in her hair.

            Her sketchbooks and notebooks were once scattered everywhere. Amongst the golden bed sheets, there are outlines of uncompleted drafts and plots that were the products of blurred out dreams. Because she wasn't a lucid dreamer, Shay could only recall bits and pieces of her night visions.

            In both realistic and figurative context, writing was her life. She told herself that she wouldn't stop trying to become the better version of her past selves and she told herself that constantly. Shay valued her work the most just like any other memorable entrepreneur. And just like any other memorable entrepreneur, she threw aside relationships in order to pursue her own perfection.

            There isn't always a bad ending to that though. Just like there are two different types of people in the world; the ones who wish for love and the ones who don't. Shay Reed was one of those people. It wasn't that she despised the idea of being with someone. She simply didn't have the time for it nor could she emotionally invest herself in a relationship.

            It is a persistent reminder that different people think and age differently. Not everyone gets wrinkles in their forties nor does everyone date in high school. The opportunities that people get are either significantly based on timing or it is a permanent part of them. As for Shay, her personality along with the meanings of her life are the basis of the stories she created.

            Likewise, her gift to this home remains on the writing desk, a copy of her autobiography, Confessions of an Asexual and Happy Wonder.

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