Chapter 3

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Josh's pov

I couldn't believe my eyes.
Why is she here?
Why in New York anyway?
Her reaction wasn't like any other to see me.
Is that good or bad?
Or did too much change in two years?

Neither Josh or Maya had said anything to each other.
Riley could tell their reaction were surprised.
Josh looks down and decides to go greet Maya.
He walks over to her and Maya stands up.
"Hi Maya."
"Hello Josh," Maya said and gave Josh a hug.
Riley sights and went over to them.
"What the hell guys? Why are you so uncomfortable?" Riley asked.
"Do you mind if I talk to you alone?" Josh asked and Maya looked at Riley.
"Off course not. I'll be right back Riley," Maya said and Riley's phone rang.
"It's Lucas. You can talk," Riley said and went to a slide before answering.
"Since when are you back?" Josh asked and both sat down.
"We just landed actually. My parents are at your brothers," Maya said.
Both looked down and Maya laughed.
"What are we doing?" Maya asked.
"I don't know," Josh said laughing.
"I didn't know you were back in NYC," Josh said.
"No kidding. I guess we both didn't expect to see each other," Maya said.
"It's good to see you Maya. How long are you staying?" Josh asks.
"My dad is trying to get his business back on track. We're here to stay."
"Well that's wonderful. I better get going. I'll call you later," Josh said and stood up.
"Welcome back," Josh said and then he left.
Riley was still busy talking with Lucas on the phone but it didn't stop her from trying to listen what Maya and Josh were talking about.
But Maya could see the conversation between her and Lucas weren't good.
They were fighting.
Maya sighted as soon as she couldn't see Josh anymore.
She can't believe that she did it.
She is back to stay?
She walked over to the swings and sat down.
She is going to need it.

Maya's pov

Seeing Josh was really weird.
And that on my first day back in New York.
How weirder can it get being back?
Ice cold weather.
Knowing your crush is in town and probably going to be at Christmas.
And on top of that bumping into him.
Everything on the first day.
Why would it surprise me that he didn't know I was coming back?
It's tipical Matthews.

Maya saw Riley walking up to her and gets up.
"Ready to go?" Maya asked but Riley wasn't ready to answer that.
She was sad and Maya knew she needed a friend right now.
Tears were running over her cheeks and Maya pulled her to a bench.
"Riley. What's wrong?" Maya asked.
"Lucas. He... He dumped me," Riley said through her tears and Maya pulled her in for a hug.
She kinda knew why Lucas did it.
Well she had a guess.
Whether it is true she will find out eventually but not right now. Maybe later.

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