Chapter 8

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I am an imposter

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I am an imposter.
I wear a mask,
And it sticks heavy to my face,
No matter how well I blend in,
And say all the right words,
I always feel out of place.

The New Girl with the Killer Smile

I tap my fingers against the glass of my cup

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I tap my fingers against the glass of my cup. Stefan walks into the room. I raise an eyebrow confused.

"There you, " Gloria says turning around.

She had stopped to take a break a while ago and is now behind the bar.

"I thought you were resting?" Stefan questions.

"Well, now we both have a secret, " Gloria replies.

"What did you see?" Stefan presses for answers.

"It's what I heard that's interesting, " Gloria states, leaning against the bar.

"You know the girls with the necklace they were talking about you." She continues as Stefan pours himself a drink.

"You didn't tell Klaus, why? " Stefan questions.

"Because I wouldn't help that hybrid half breed with anything. The necklace is a talisman of the original witch herself, I want it." She explains.

"Well I'm sorry but I can't help you, " Stefan says, setting his drink down and walking away.

"Don't be difficult, " Gloria calls after Stefan earning an annoyed sigh from Stefan. "You know I'd hate to have to tell Klaus what a liar his sidekick is." She says, smirking as she walks out from behind the bar.

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