Chapter 8

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I think that's a word we all know. I'm sure we all some points in our life had made some choices, whether good or bad, whether they changed our life or not or even made us into who we are today, we all made choices.

I'm sure that some if not all of us, when we made our choices, we believe they were for the best, that there was no other way out, no other solution but one, I'm sure some choices we didn't want to choose, didn't want to make, but believed there was no other option.

I've made a lot of choices in my life, but there was one I truly regretted and it was the day I let my brother die, but lying here now in a pool of blood, staring at the ceiling feeling empty, with two dead bodies surrounding me, I wish it was my life instead of theirs, I don't deserve to live, I wish I was the one lying lifeless on the cold floor, sucked in a world of darkness filled with all the other lost souls.

I wished he had taken my life from me so effortlessly instead, so mercilessly, within the blink of an eye, but no he left me here to drown in guilt, to have a restless mind and a battered heart to know that I was the cause of their deaths.


"Let's see how good you really are" he said with a sinister smile.

He then went to the door and opened it revealing a man with a woman. Her face was covered with a bag and her hands and feet were tied. He threw her and a chair on the floor and then said

" Raul make sure you clean up when your done ". The man at the door said. So his name is Raul, I think I remember him from when that Dante guy was in here.

" yea, yea I know ". He said

Raul then took her and placed her on the chair. I got a good look on her and almost cried, she was in a terrible state. Her clothes were torn and dirty and was bathed in blood. She had a lot of cuts on her arm and feet and looks like one of her arm is broken.

" so now here what's gonna happen. I'm gonna need you to teach Missy here a lesson " Raul said while pulling on her hair, due to the bag on her face I could only hear muffled groans coming from her.

"She's been a bad girl and I'm a little tired so I'm gonna need you to punish her or else". He took a marker from his pocket and tore her shirt wider and mark a 'X' in the middle of her chest. He then gave me a knife.

" Now you see that 'X' there I want you to throw this knife right on it, you only get three tries, if your tries are up and you have not hit it, you know the consequences."

I shakily took the knife from him, I never was good at throwing or catching,  I always believed I had too left hands or something. So him telling me to do this its better he punish me from now because I know I won't hit it and I also don't want to, just the thought of hurting others make me sick, no matter how others hurt me I just can't find it in me to hurt them.

But if there's a chance that maybe if I hit it he'll spare her and try save her then I gotta give this my best. I closed my eyes, I breathed deeply then open them and concentrate on the 'X'. I took another deep breathe then throw the knife praying it will hit it.

The knife landed right in her shoulder which was followed by a muffled scream. I started backing up now too scared to try again, afraid I'll hurt her again.

"Nah a ahh, you have two more tries" Raul smirked.

I still backed up I couldn't do this what if next time I kill her, I can't have that one my conscience. It seemed I got him mad because next thing I know I was being flung to the floor.

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