Chapter 4

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I headed downstairs, coming to a halt as I reached the bottom, the door staring right at me as I heard the sound of sobbing. Confirmation that she had regained consciousness. I wasn't certain if the screaming and banging had truly been coming from own here but, after hearing the confirmation that I had received, I stood quiet for a moment before unlocking the door.

"Get the fuck up!" Unintentionally, my booming, bitter voice faltered slightly. Tears still evident in her eyes from where she had hopelessly tried to wipe them away, her reddened hand tight in the clutch of her other hand.

Glancing down at her feet, I noticed that her boots were missing. Feeling a frozen gust of wind from seemingly nowhere, I cursed the boys for leaving her down here without anything on her feet. I mean, yes, she is our captive and all, but that doesn't mean we have to let her freeze to death.

Anticipation building when I saw the look in her cold green eyes, I grabbed her ankle with ease as she swung it up. Had she of kicked low and tried to knock my feet out from under me, she would have succeeded, but she swung too high.

Bickering for a bit, her thoughts not on the place or situation she was in but, rather they were on her father's safety. That prick couldn't care less if she was dead yet her first thoughts go to his safety.

Releasing her foot, Becca came in apologising for the interruption. Watching as the girl placed the bowl and glass down on the ground next to Jordan, I smiled slightly at her, my gaze immediately going cold again as I looked back at Jordan.

"Mr Marais huh?" Her voice equally as bitter as mine as she spoke my last name questioningly. Of course, she had never payed attention long enough to know any of our names. All that Jordan Whittle knew about us was that we were male members of the Red Skulls. Ignorant bitch.

Not trusting any of her intentions, I immediately caught her as she tried to make an escape for the opened door. God! How does she forget that there is nowhere near enough room to escape?

When Jordan asked about her necklace, I didn't reply at first, I simply reached into my pocket and pulled it out. Begging me for it to return to her possession was one thing I never expected from her.

Seeing the pain and the hurt in her eyes when I told her that I couldn't give it back, I had to glance away. For someone with such cold eyes, the slightest glimmer of emotion is hard to look at, let alone the copious amount of emotion when she mentioned her mother.

I wanted to ask why she felt so much pain when she mentioned her mother but, I knew that I wasn't in the right position to ask something like that. Even if I was, I wouldn't get an answer that I wanted.

Realising that all Jordan was wearing was a skirt and singlet top, I curled the necklace back up into my pocket and offered to get some clothes organised for her. Hearing the blunt reply, I turned away and walked out, my name slipping between my lips in an almost sarcastic tone as I slammed the door.

Immediately after locking the door, I turned around to walk up the stairs that were presented to me, my breath catching in my throat as I moved one foot in front of the other. Why is my breath catching? Surely, it's just because it's cold down here.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I was able to retrieve the breath that had remained trapped in my throat the entire time. I made my way down the winding hallway that I've become all too familiar with in the past few years. Day after day I walk down this bloody thing, no reasons for it, just so that I'm not sitting still and going insane.

My eyes remaining peeled as I search for anyone to be present in any of the rooms. Coming across the games room, I spotted Daniel sitting on the sofa with a controller in his hand.

"Daniel? Can you please find Becca and get some clothes down to Jordan?" My voice seemingly calm at first as I await a response.

"Fuck off, Jonah! I'm in the middle of something! Do it yourself dude!" I rolled my eyes at his bitter reply, my temper immediately becoming fragile as I glare at him.

"Get of your fucking arse and do as I fucking say for once in your goddamned life!" Immediately regretting having snapped the way I did, I watch as Daniel got up, throwing the controller down with enough force that it ricocheted off the beanbag onto the ground before bouncing once or twice.

"Dude. Grow the fuck up. You have no fucking right to speak to me like that. We are meant to be equals." His voice harsh and cold as he spoke with a low tone into my ear, pushing past to do as I asked.

Taking a deep breath, I wasted no time to brush off the conversation that had just ended abruptly. I turned on my heels to walk back to my room. Making my way halfway down the hallway, I turned back on my heels and walk to the other end, finding myself back at the door for the 'relief room'.

Not inviting any of the girls in with me, I glance around the emotionless room. Everything that seemed so simple and easy only a few hours ago, seemed so wrong and dirty now. Why the fuck can't I get her out of my head?!

Tugging at my hair, forcing the roots to take the brunt of my frustration, I took a deep breath and just sat down on the ground. I didn't speak, I didn't move. I simply sat and thought.

I thought for as long as I could, trying to come up with reasons no... excuses, for why I couldn't get her out of my head. All that I saw wasn't her face like it was before, it's her eyes. Those goddamned eyes. I want to know why there was so much pain in her otherwise cold green orbs. I need to know why there was so much pain in her otherwise cold green orbs.

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