Chapter 6

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Hearing a loud bang on the door, startling awake, I fell on the ground with a harsh thud. Remembering where I was, I immediately started shivering. Reaching for the shard of glass, that I had stashed under the bed, I pulled my sleeve up to use it for protection against the sharp edge of the glass.

Holding my hand behind my back, just in time, I turned around as the door swung open. Looking at who had walked in, I felt horrible. I was as sure of his name as I was of Jonah's before he told me, Zero percent, but I did know that he was the youngest of the five assholes that were keeping me here.

"Hey. I hope you weren't too cold down here. Would you like me to get Becca to bring some breakfast down?" I nodded gratefully, hoping that I wouldn't back down. He seemed so sweet compared to Jonah, and the other one, and I almost couldn't bring myself to hurt him. Almost.

Without a second thought, I knew what I had to do and, I knew that I had to take the chance before all my chances were gone. Getting to my feet, I remained close to the bed, my heart pounding with the knowledge of what I was about to do. Running at him, all of a sudden, I swung the shard of glass at him. Unable to bring myself hit anywhere that would kill him in an instant, I aimed for his abdomen and kicked his feet out from under him.

"You fucking bitch!" I heard his agonising scream as he hit the floor with substantial force. I couldn't turn back so, I just ran. I ran upstairs, to the main house. Immediately lost, looking down the winding hallway, I ran in whichever direction my gut told me was right.

Finding myself back at the beginning of my path, I continued back down the hallway, taking a few different turns as they presented themselves, hoping that it would change the end result. After a few left turns and a couple right turns, I found myself running into something hard. Something very hard. Looking up at the tall figure in front of me, I smiled innocently as Jonah's face came into view.

"How the fuck did you get out?!" His booming voice almost echoing through a room that it shouldn't. Swinging his arms at me, I immediately ducked to avoid being caught. I wasn't about to let him catch me, that easily, so I turned around and made a run for it but, unfortunately, he wasn't alone. One of the other boys, again having no clue of his name, stopped in front of me, immediately making it impossible for me to run as he grabbed both my wrists in his hands.

"Who the fuck went down there last and let her out?!" His voice still booming as he aimed his question at my captor.

"I think Zach went down to make sure she didn't freeze to death overnight." My captors voice remained a lot more composed that Jonah's. I now knew what his name was. The guy I stabbed was named Zach. I laughed and spat, missing his cheek by mere millimetres. "Bitch!" The girl, whose name I'm assuming was Becca, came running in, absolutely frantic.

"Mr Marais, Mr Avery! It's Mr Herron... he's really badly hurt!" Her vocal delivery matching the frantic look on her face as she spoke. Walking up to where 'Mr Avery' was holding me, Jonah swung his hand up, slapping me across the face.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" His words escaping his lips with a low growl as 'Mr Avery' pulled my arms back with a sudden force.

"Simple. I was given a glass, so I broke it and fucking stabbed him. You're lucky by the way. I was going to stab you instead." My voice remained calm and composed, in attempt to hide my current genuine fear of them both.

"Becca! Get Corbyn and Daniel to bring Zach up here! Tell them that we can't fucking afford to waste time! Hurry! Jack! Take her over there!" Jonah pointed to a spot on the other side of the room before pulling at his hair in distress, a hand wiping down his face, pulling at his eyes and lips as it passed over them. Becca nodded, bowed, and scurried off to find the other two. I now knew all their names but, that wasn't the concern for me.

Shortly later, Daniel and Corbyn came into the room carrying Zach between them. Seeing the amount of blood that had soaked into Zach' shirt, all the boys scowled at me. The only one I didn't receive a scowl from was the one losing blood and in pain.

Repeating his forceful yank at my arms, Jack scowled a second time, as Jonah ran over, with a cloth, to Zach in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Rolling my eyes with a sigh, guilt building up and making me sick to my stomach, I realised that I couldn't just stand there and watch him be in this kind of pain. I was struggling with being able to do the harm in the first place, with the knowledge that I wasn't going to see how much he was in, but now that I was forced to look at him, all I wanted to do was help.

"Let me help him please?" My voice a low whisper, only just loud enough for Jack to hear me. Looking at Zach reminded me too much of watching my mother die, I couldn't bear looking at him like this.

"Why would you fucking help him if you did this? And why would I fucking let you go?" His voice remaining on the same octave as mine, no matter how loud and bitter he sounded. With every right.

"Jonah..." My voice raising a few octaves so that I could be heard, no matter how much they didn't want to hear me.

"Shut the fuck up!" His response spitting out frantically. Panicked I tried to get him to listen. I tried apologising and promising that I would behave and that I just wanted to help. "No!" His voice raising a few octaves, if that was even possible at this point.

"Please! I know what I'm fucking doing! I never wanted to kill him so please let me fucking help save him!" The words, escaping my lips, following suit with his as it raises a few octaves. The only difference between the tone of our voices was that his was frantic and panicked and mine was verging on anger. I understood their stubbornness, but I was being honest with them and Zach was getting worse.

"No! Don't!" My words spat out at a rate I didn't think I was capable of at the time. I tried to reach my arm out to stop Jonah from pulling the glass out, but Jack's grip only got stronger.

"Dude! I think she's being serious! She knows what she's fucking doing!" Finally, one of the others, either Corbyn or Daniel, interrupted and broke everyone's stubbornness. With a heavy sigh, Jonah got up and approached Jack and me.

Grabbing my wrists from Jack's grip, Jonah pushed me over to where Zach was laying, pushing me to the ground so that I would be able to reach properly. Letting go, and freeing, my hands, Jonah grabbed my hair to ensure that I wouldn't be able to leave them.

"Fucking help him!" Once again, if it was even possible, his words were spat at an even higher octave as he pulled my hair slightly. I grabbed the piece of fabric that Jonah had been using and wrapped it tightly around the piece of glass. Every time I did anything, Zach hissed in pain.

"You shouldn't have moved him in the first place. I need alcohol of some sort and more cloths or bandages." My voice returning to its calm and composed manner as I waited for someone to do as I asked. Within mere seconds, Daniel and Corbyn were scrambling around the room to find the things that I had asked for, handing them to me immediately after finding them.

Once I had both the alcohol and the cloths, I soaked one in the alcohol and separated the other few to make it easier. I warned Zach, as I grabbed the glass, ripping it out immediately after. Smothering the wound with one of the cloths, I threw the glass on to the ground.

"Someone hurry and resoak the cloth in alcohol please!" I felt Jonah let go of my hair before realising that he was doing it for me. Grabbing the soaked cloth from him, I swapped it over with the blood soaked one that I had just been using. As soon as the cloth contacted Zach' skin, he hissed more than he previously had, even allowing a scream to escape his lips when I pushed down to apply the necessary pressure.

"I'm so sorry for all of this Zach." I changed between the cloths twice more before feeling safe about removing the cloth completely. Trusting that the bleeding had ceased long enough to continue, I asked for a fresh bandage, some thread and a needle.

Soaking the thread and needle in the alcohol, I started stitching up the wound that I had caused. Finishing up, I wrapped the bandage around his abdomen and stood up.

"Get her back down in that fucking room! And make sure that fucking door is locked!" Jonah pushed me towards Corbyn, his voice booming in my ear as he waited for Corbyn to grab me.

Free - Jonah MaraisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora