Chapter 13

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I was weak and cold. I had been down here for what felt like eternity, the not having been opened for forever. When I was first put back down here, the boys would come down, one at a time, every few hours to make sure that I wasn't doing anything stupid. They would always try and get answers out of me, but Jonah never came down.

After a while, I still continued to fail at getting my words out. The words that would prepare them for what was coming. Wasting all my chances, they stopped coming down. Becca was the only one who continued coming down, only bringing the 'sandwiches' and water bottles.

"Someone please! Anyone?! I need to talk to you! It's important!" I had gotten up from the corner, that I had sat in everyday lately, and started banging on the door in attempt to get someone's attention. I didn't care anymore; these boys didn't deserve to be unprepared for the war my father was going to start. I had to get their attention. I had to fucking tell them. Having no luck in gaining their attention, I laid my head against the door, sliding down to the ground.

"Open the door! Everyone on this property is dead, whether you cooperate or not! Don't try protecting anyone!" That voice seemed so familiar, but yet, so foreign as it boomed through the door. Muffled, but clear, the words were all I needed for me to know that I was too late.

Standing up, I prepared for the defence, if needed. My toes curling, from the cold concrete, as the door opened. Once the door fully opened, Becca was pushed in, Kyle standing still on the opposite side of the door.

"Don't do it Kyle. I know what he said, you don't have to listen to him." My words blunt and demanding, spotting the gun in his hand.

"Sorry ma'am. My instructions are clear. He claims you were given time." Hearing Kyle's words left me in shock. I knew my father's threat and I knew he was ruthless, but I didn't think he would actually order someone to kill me.

"Kyle, I am giving you one fucking chance to put the gun down. You know my training." Conflict evident on his face, Kyle faltered, the gun remaining in place, aimed right at my head. Realising that no one I thought had cared ever really did, I put my training into action, disarming him before he even had the chance to pull the trigger. "I fucking warned you Kyle."

Staring him in the eyes, I still couldn't bring myself to be a killer, so I shot him elsewhere. Dropping the gun, my hand shaking out of control, I knocked his feet out from under him. Glancing at Becca, I received a slight nod. Her face proved that she knew I was asking to leave.

Running up the stairs, I heard shots from all directions, clueless on where I was going. Heading off, down the hallway, I could only hope that I was correctly remembering how to get to the main room, and that they were there.

"Get down!"

"How did this happen?!"

"Who cares?!"

"Watch out!"

"We're losing too many!"

I heard their voices and knew that I was going the right way. The screams coming from all directions, I followed their voices, praying I hadn't mixed the direction with other's screams. Halting at the entrance to the main room, I found the boys hiding behind the sofa. Every now and then, the boys would pop their guns out to shoot aimlessly. Waiting for the boys to drop their guns again, I ran up to one of the women I recognised, in the line-up of attackers. Tapping her on the shoulder, she stopped firing her gun.

"Ma'am?! What are you-?" Her words were cut off by my fist. My hand plummeting into her face, I gained the immediate attention of all the Black Pythons currently occupying the room.

Swinging my leg low, I knocked one of the guys down, knocking a couple others as he fell down. Knocking the other few out with fists to their faces, and private parts, I turned around at the sound of the boys' voices.

"What the fuck are you doing Jordan?!"

"You caused this!"

"Did you know the while time?!"

"Of course she fucking did!"

"They wouldn't have done it without warning her. Why else do you think she tried so fucking hard to gain our trust, only to try and escape?!"

They were furious at me, with every right, but right now I couldn't care less. The inevitable war I had been trying to avoid had become unavoidable. Hearing footsteps coming around the corner, I turned around, seeing Kyle again. Holding his hand over his wound, gun in hand, I sighed and shook my head at him.

"You should have stayed down Kyle." I kicked his feet out from under him again. Hearing him scream in pain, I flung my arm out, knocking another guy out before he even had the chance to enter the room. Grabbing Kyle's gun, before he could grab it and shoot, I held it at his head. My hand shaking like crazy, I pulled the trigger. My body going numb, I dropped the gun, my breath catching as tears formed in my eyes.

"Dude! She's a fucking Black Python! I'm fucking shooting her!" What?

"Maybe we shouldn't!" Please don't!

"Seriously?! Now isn't the fucking time!" Time for what?

"She's a Black Python! No less, the daughter of the fucking leader!" Stop!

I spun around, the tears still threatening my eyes, noticing Corbyn, Jack and Daniel all aiming their guns at me. Words struggling to escape my lips, I took a deep breath before speaking.

"I know you don't have a reason to trust me. I know I fucked up. I know I'm Tyson Whittle's daughter. Yes, I knew. Yes, I should have told you, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't. Go ahead. Shoot me if you feel it necessary. Just know that the only reason Kyle is up here is because he was given orders to kill everyone in this house... including me. Just know, the only reason all these people are knocked out is because I am defending you. But if you think it necessary, then just hurry up and do it. I have nothing left anyways." Tears starting to push through the wall I had tried so hard to put up, my defence lingering in the otherwise, oddly, silent air.

"Guns down! For now, she is one of us. We can deal with her properly later." Jonah's words were harsh and commanding, the look in his eyes showing pain mingling with gratitude. Watching the boys duck, the sound of a single gunshot echoed through the air. A sudden burn becoming apparent in my back, I fell to the ground, the room darking fast as I blinked, trying with all my might to keep my eyes open.

"I warned you to get out. I warned you." The sharp, cold, bitter words coming from a voice I had hoped never to hear again. Watching him walk over me, I was hurt, not just physically. I was hurt that he had given Kyle permission to kill me, I was hurt that he had been the one to deliver the final blow. The room fading to a complete pitch-black abyss, I heard a final gunshot, the abyss being filled with a millisecond of a flash of Jonah and the others.

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