Chapter 2: Another Chance?!

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Courtney and Duncan look at each other in shock.

"Last time I saw you, you were getting dumped by my Best Friend!" She smirked


Courtney chuckles

"Sure, Duncan!"

"So how are you and  do you still talk to the people from Total drama Island. Come'on tell me"

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking, Gwen  and I are roommates and I talk to Scott sometimes. What about you?"

"I doing pretty good and I hang with Geoff and Trent."

"That's cool!"

Duncan tries to keep his mouth close, but he has to ask

"So that bad person, and scar was me?"

She looks at the scar and nodds

"And that scar is from me" she says

He nodds

It was awkward silence for a while until Duncan asked a question

"So is Scott your boyfriend or something?"

She thinks for a second

"No, I'm Team Single"

"Oh" he says a little cheerfully

Courtney looks at his phone again

"Is that your girlfriend"

She points to the a very young, beautiful girl on his home screen.

"No, that's my niece. Her father died before she was born,I'm the closest thing to a father to her."

"I'm sorry for your lost"


Courtney rubs her arms, as if she's cold"

"You want a blanket? "

"No I'm fine"

Duncan stared at her with a look

"Okay, okay I'll take a blanket"

Duncan pushes the button that tells the flight attendant to come. The flight attendant walks over and yawns.

"What can I get for you, sweetheart."

"A blanket and pillow."

"I can get you a blanket, but we're out of pillows, sorry sweetheart. "

The flight attendant goes a get a big, warm blanket ,gives it to Duncan,and walks away.

"Here you go my lady"

He gives her the blanket

"Thank you" Courtney says tiredly

Courtney puts the blanket on Duncan and her. While Courtney was going to sleep Duncan was writing a song on his phone. She fell asleep after a few minutes, but her head kept moving and wobbling until it eventually her head ended up on Duncans shoulder. Duncan gently put her head in his lap. While she was sleep Duncan was thinking about how it would be if they were still together and played with her hair. Duncan shakes his head and thought that he was out of his mind for thinking about something like that. Duncan put his phone in his jacket pocket and fell asleep.

Courtney wakes up about 7:30 am. She sits up and rub her eyes and yawns. She gazes at Duncan and thinks about what would it be to be with him again. She then shook her head and thought she was tout of her mind for thinking that. Courtney looked at her phone and noticed that had 2 and a half hours left. She got out her Mac laptop and face timed Gwen, knowing that Duncan won't wake up for a while.

Gwen phone rings rings, she wakes up and sees that it is Courtney.

"Umm, hello" Gwen says tiredly

"OMG, you won't guess who I bumped in too!!!" She said eagerly


Courtney turns her computer so Gwen can see Duncan.

"OMG, is that Duncan he looks cuter then I remember!"

"Really Gwen? "

"OMG YASSSS" she shrieked

Duncan groans

"I think he's getting up talk to you later,  bye."

Courtney ended the call and faked like she was typing a email when Duncan woke up.

"Who were you talking to" yawned Duncan

"I was just thinking out loud that's all."

Duncan gets up and goes to the restroom. When he comes back Courtney goes to the restroom. While she was walking back one of the kids in front of her seat tripped her and she ended up in Duncan's lap.

"You haven't sat there in a while,I thought we would take things slow this time, but if you want!"

Duncan leans forward to kiss her, but she puts her hand in front of his face.

"Slow your road bad boy!! Whoever said I would give you another chance?"

"I'll give you two reasons I still have feeling for you. If you listen to most of my songs me and my band have written they are about you. I always ask about you when I see Bridgette but she says you guys don't talk that much." He explains

"What's the second reason?"

" The second reason is that I am trying some guys don't even try. I even wrote you a note once I figured out what I had done, but I didn't have your address and I was kind if afraid. "

"Aweee BIG BAD Duncan was afraid" she teases

He rolls his eyes ,goes in his carry on bag and takes out an envelope.

"Read it"

Courtney takes the envelope and reads it the letter inside it. The letter says that he apologies for all the wrong he did to her and that he doesn't deserve a second chance but would like one. Also that he strongly loves here and if she feels the same way to call him. Courtney hugs Duncan.

"Thanks for apologizing, but we have to take things slow."


Courtney and Duncan talk until the plane lands

"The plane has landed everyone have a nice and safe day" shouted the flight attendant

"How about we exchange numbers and I'll call you, okay?"

"Yea, but make sure you call!"

"I would never forget you!" She giggles and gives him a peck on the cheek

They both get off the plane and goes in different ways. Courtney went Right and Duncan went left.

Will Courtney call Duncan or will she forget all about him. You decide!

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