A New Way To Go

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Yang's pov

Y/N: Hey, kiddo! You there?

I snapped back to reality and saw Y/N waving his hand in front of my face, holding my head i took a step back and let out a shaky breath.

Y/N: Finally, you've been standing there for ages. I thought you'd all gone senile

Me: D-Didn't you see?

Y/N: I saw you all standing around like a bunch of jackasses

I sighed and took my hand away from my head, the others were looking to Ozpin in shock as Jinn looked to me and... Y/N?

Jinn: It seems there's someone attached to you...

Weiss: What is she talking about?

Y/N: She... She can see me?

They all looked to me im confusion, Jinn smirked before stretching her arms.

Jinn: Well, it seems none of you have anymore questions so i'll leave you to your devices

She disappeared back into her relic making it fall into the snow, snow began falling again as Ruby looked like she was about to say something.

Y/N: Well, i'm gonna hang back, see ya

He disappeared making me panic, how do i handle this?! Qrow looked to Ozpin as he slowly got up before flashing green.

Blake: What was she talking about?

Me: I don't... i don't know, m-maybe she just wanted to make some havoc?

Weiss: Why would she do that?

Ruby: She wasn't, Jinn was telling the truth

They looked to her for a moment as i slowly backed away. Why is she doing this, i thought she promised not to!

Ruby: She has an A.I in her head that only she can see and hear, his name is Y/N

Qrow raised his head and looked to me as the others turned their heads back towards me. He walked towards me before grabbing me by the collar

Qrow: Tell me she's lying! Tell me you don't have that psycho in your head!

Me: He's not a psycho!

Pushing him off me we stumbled back, i clenched my fists as i hung my head.

Qrow: Do you know what he's done!?

Me: Do you know what he's lost!? I've seen him die, by Raven's hands! He's done nothing but help me for nothing in return

Qrow: That's what he does, he builds up your trust then uses you until you're no longer useful. It's what he did to Summer...

Raising my head i looked to him in surprise. He's got to be lying right, to get me on his side?

Me:... He has a plan, and that's more you can say about any of us. If you want a chance then follow me.

As they decided i walked over and took my bike out the snow, he wanted me to get to Atlas... and i'll do it.

Looking up to the tracks i decided i'd follow them to Argus, glancing backwards i saw that none of them seemed to want to step up.

Me: Fine... i'll go alone

Blake: You're serious?

Me: Yeah...

Pushing my bike towards the incline i glanced backwards before sighing and looking forwards.

I reached the tracks so i climbed onto my bike, turning it on i revved the engine before driving off.


Arriving at Argus in the dead of night i shut Bumblebee's lights off. Y/N appeared beside me and clapped his hands together.

Y/N: Congrats, you made it out in one piece

Me: I left the others...

Y/N: Oh. Well i didn't expect that

Me: I need you to tell me where to go, in Atlas

Y/N: Now we're getting somewhere! First you gotta steal a Airship, that's the hard part or it would've been if you didn't have me, then fly to Atlas, get to my place then grab something and we're home free

Nodding i pulled into the gate which was open, driving through the streets i looked around, only lead by the street lights.

Y/N: So i'm gonna need control of your arm to steal it... you're just gonna have to bust in

Me: Should be easy since there's barely anyone here, right?

Y/N: Well...

I stopped upon seeing spot lights, looking up i saw that there was a base that was heavily guarded with lights brighter then most blaring.

Me: Oh...

Y/N: Okay, here's what you do

(Lemme know what you think also sorry for the short chapter today)

Hail To The King: Yang x Male Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now