As It Goes

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I followed the two detectives in the police station.  Walking through the unexpectedly silent corridor, I was still confused as hell. The younger detective took me to the interrogation room, that's what it read on the door. The interrogation room was huge with one of the walls made of glass , which was thick. And by thick, I mean that I couldn't see through it at all. Maybe there were a dozen of people seated there staring at me and listening to our creeped me out. The room was big and spacious with three chairs and a table in the centre, it was the biggest room I had seen till date, but if given a chance I would like to be in a dark dungeon rather than being arrested here.

The detective made me sit in a chair and asked me to calm down. Hell Right. calm down! As easy as that. How was I supposed to be calm sitting in a police station accused of a murder, that I didn't even know occurred in the first place?!!

"Firstly, you need to call your lawyer for the interrogation as you are brought here as a suspect," he said. His voice was cold.

"I don't have a lawyer. I live here only for my studies." I tried to say as confidently as I could. You can't even guess how nervous I was. I've never been this nervous before except for the one time when I peed on my pants as a kid when our super-strict-student-hating teacher caught me skipping class for the first time in my life.

"Okay so do you want a government lawyer?"

"No, actually can I make a call right now to arrange for a lawyer?" , I enquired remembering that my bestie's father was a lawyer; he was actually the best in town.

"Okay, here you go." He said , handing me a phone.

I quickly dialled my best friend's number hoping she would pick up. She picked up after I called her three damn times. "Hello? Who is this?" , asked a female voice. The voice sounded so calm and soothing that it was already settling the storm within me.

"Hello, Carolyn?! This is Haley." One could sense the relief in my voice.

"Oh, Haley!! Thank God you're safe. I was so scared! I thought...anyways where are you? And whose number are you calling from?" She said it all in a hurry and so she was out of breath. So typical of her.

"I'm at the police station. I was brought here for interrogation but I need a lawyer...and as you know, I know no one here; can you please ask your dad to help me out a bit?" I tried to stick to the on-hand situation as much as I could because I could sense the detective hearing on the whole conversation with all of his concentration.

"What? What are they interrogating you for? What did you do? Wait...I'll call dad right away. Hang in there! I promise we'll be there very soon."

"Just come here as quick as possible and I will tell you everything okay? Bye." the last statement followed with a sigh of relief.

"My lawyer will be here soon," I informed the detective.


Then I spent some lonely time, staring into empty space inside the interrogation room, which I hoped I would never have to come to again.

Some quarters of an hour later, a well-built man in a three-piece suit walked in. His eyes were hazel in colour and he looked like he had just had a bath. His blonde hair was still wet. He had a very handsome face. His pale white colour which made each of his features stand out looked so fragile despite his bold features. He might have been in his early forties but he looked way younger than that.

"Mr Stoinis!" I called out. He was Carolyn's dad. One of the best lawyers in the city. And a fatherly figure for me.

"Hello dear. Detective," he shook hands with the detective and then introduced himself formally, "I am Miss Pattinson's lawyer. And I would like to know why my client here has been taken in for interrogation." After the first few words, his voice had gone all business and steely. All the warm I had known in his voice for so long had been sucked out of it. It made me shudder a bit.

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