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As you and Johnny slept peacefully in bed, you couldn't help but wake up and feel restless. However, you were careful not to wake him up. You just laid there beside the love of your life.

You couldn't help the smile that appeared on your face stretching from ear to ear as you just stared at your beloved. Tranquil surrounded him as he slept with soft snores leaving his lips from time to time. It was the cutest thing you have ever laid eyes upon.

You got put of bed as quietly as possible as to not wake him up and went to the bathroom to release your bladder. As you finished and washed your hands you went back to bed but you what you saw filled your with worry and fret.

Johnny laud in bed squirming around as he pushed the covers away from his feet. He looked completely scared and also he seemed to be sweating a lot. It seems as though he is worried and scared and as if something is torturing him.

You couldn't believe the sight in front of you. You rushed to be by his side and comfort him only to have your anxiety increase. As you placed your hand on his forehead, you were scared to your wit's end. He was burning.

You got up to his ear and whispered comforting words to him in hope he would hear you and calm down. Moving the covers off of him you contemplated what you need to do. Rushing off to the bathroom to get the medicine and a towel and a bowl full of cold water. You decided to get some ice from the fridge to keep it cold. You needed to get his temperature down instantly.

As you came back in he seemed to start moving again although you had left him in peace. You rush to his side and start wetting the towel placing it on his forehead and just praying silently that he gets better.

You started whispering sweet things in Johnny's ear that actually started calming him down, getting better by the minute.

As you played with his hair with one hand and the other changing the towel then resting on his cheeks, you started thinking about how he could have gotten way worse if you hadn't woken up. If you hadn't woken up in time he could be seriously heating up. Ya more than he already was. The thought of that happening brought tears to your eyes. You just couldn't handle the idea of your Johnny being sick.

That thought brought an even worse idea into your mind. Oh god what would you do if he died? You only knew one thing. You wouldn't be happy. You would never be the same and never look for love again. Because he is your everything. Literally. Not like those cliché love stories. This is real.

As tears streamed down your face, you felt his hand rub against the one fondling his cheek.

He gave you a faint yet comforting smile that spread both happiness and sadness through you. You couldn't be more satisfied that he is feeling better. However, it broke your heart that he did actually look really tired. The soft look in his eyes beckoned you to come closer. And as you did, his hand moved into your hair.

As you were mere centimeters away from his face, you looked deeply into his eyes only to be returned with the same as he gazes into your eyes. Your soul. Your entire being.

It was as if he could read your thoughts and in doing so he faintly pulled you closer in order to close the gap between you two. And you kissed him back. With as much passion and love. You knew that you loved him and so did he. But at times like these you feel the intense urge to show him just that with every single fiber within you.

((A/n: you know how in astronaut's wife she kisses him when he wakes up in the hospital. yup the exactly same way))

You slowly broke the kiss and just stared desperately into his eyes. Every time you do, you are greeted with different emotions. All of love of-course but also admiration, possessiveness, care, kindness and awe of you. All because of you. His eyes always held a certain comforting depth in them where you found solitude and peace.

Both of you breathing calmly and absolutely hypnotized by one another's eyes, you didn't notice Johnny's subtle hand movement towards your back. He slowly pulled you more as if asking you to just join him in bed.

Just as you were about to protest he pulled you completely into bed with him and only your legs weren't.

He didn't say a word and neither did you. Neither of you needed to. The feeling of warmth radiating from one another's body in response to each other said it all. The bond, the love between you, said it all. Your long stares into one another's eyes, it said it all.

Feeling content you both cuddled to sleep peacefully yet again. And you silently prayed that Johnny would stay in his utmost complete health. Because he is your world.

And no one wants their world to crumble down in pieces.


Wellll this was also cute :)

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