5. Falling blossoms... barren trees and flights of fancy

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My beloved,

Petals fall off the sweet blossoms from the trees in our garden, an annual act of the winds every fall. This time it feels wrong, to see the trees barren, one by one. I am unable to find the beauty in these bare, dry limbs, or of the trees yonder.

I am beginning to think I may be a fanciful person, after all. Not for any reason pleasing to the mind, however.

I must begin with an apology, for it appears I have failed. I have been given express orders from Central 46 to retrieve Rukia from the world of the living. They suspect her of having committed a Class 1 offense, and I am to fetch her from her assigned post from whence she has not returned for months now. The offense is transfer of her powers to a mortal soul.

I am sure it is a failure of my guardianship, and of my leadership. And yet I do not understand where have I failed. I have done everything according to the law all my life, save for two instances: once for you, the other, for Rukia. She has no knowledge thus far, of either. I have always upheld our most sacred rules as Shinigamis. Professionally I keep myself detached from any and all things that could ever cloud judgment or compromise with duty. I strive to be an example to those around me, at all times… Where then, did I err with Rukia…?

How did this come to pass? I have never before believed in such things as the inevitable, fate, destiny. We make our own destiny, do we not. The paths we follow take us where they lead to. If we chose wrong, we chose wrong. Fear and foreboding are not for those of a practical mind. However, it feels as though I might be a fanciful person after all, for I most certainly cannot say this bodes well for either of us, Rukia or myself.

The reports from the Onmitsukido mention a human boy wearing a Shinigami’s robes and a Zanpakuto, who reportedly injured a Menos severely and forced it to retreat to Hueco Mundo. The boy has been sighted at every single site of Rukia’s missions since she was sent to the world of the living. The reports cite Rukia as inhabiting a gigai. What has the girl gone and done...?

Did she really commit the crime she has been accused of. If she has, I am not sure how I can protect her from her own actions and their consequences. I fear I may not be able to uphold the promise I gave you, if what she has been accused of has really come to pass in that manner.

I do not want any misfortune to befall her. But I must heed the orders received from Central 46 and depart immediately. I am preparing to leave. I will be accompanied by my Lieutenant.

My dearest, I find myself hoping all of this is not true. And even that feels wrong…

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