Prologue I

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Pokémon. Creatures that make up this world. People use them for different purposes. Some: as fighters. Some: as companions. Friends. Or even both. People love Pokémon and couldn't imagine life another way. These people are known as Pokémon Trainers who train to be Pokémon Masters.

Others see another way to use them. Pokémon contain extremely high amounts of different powers and only use them for their own personal gain. They abuse Pokémon's power and will harm them, draining their power. Because of how they treat Pokémon they have become infamous and have been dubbed Pokémon Abusers.

But there are trainers who will stand up to these Pokémon Abusers. They go to a school called the Pokémon Master Academy or PMA. The PMA specializes in helping trainers as well as their Pokémon to defend themselves against heartless people.

Our story begins with two Pokémon trainers. One named Maka Albarn, who is very determined and strong willed. The other, a cool and collected boy named Soul Evans. They have little in common other than the fact that they both, solely want to change the world.

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