Chapter 1: Emerald V.S. Ruby Part-1

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"All right, everyone! Thank you for coming tonight! My name is Death the Kid and I will be your announcer tonight!"

Death the Kid was a respected Pokémon Master from the PMA. By having all his Pokémon have all balanced stats because of his symmetry obsession. This also led to his undeniable victories on countless battles. He didn't care much for the fame and fortune though, he only had one love that was symmetry and symmetry alone. He glanced down only for a second and saw his prized shiny Hitmontop and continued to speak to the audience.

"Pokémon Trainers do carry around six Pokémon with them but will only use two of the six in this battle,"

People continued their cheering and Kid went on speaking but it was louder than before,"Now then let's introduce our competitors," Kid said as some girls fainted randomly in the crowd. "At the left side of the stadium we have....Maka Albarn! A current, high-ranking student at the that is excelling in her academics, which makes her excellent in battle strategy,"

On cue, a girl with strawberry blonde pigtails entered the stadium with an indomitable look on her face. There were shattered cheers in the stands for her.

She had assorted Poké Balls but most of them were Ultra Balls. Ultra Balls could catch better than regular Poké Balls but they were more expensive. She had only one common Poké Ball. Another, a Dive Ball which was better for catching aquatic or Water Type Pokémon. And one of them was a very expensive ball, a Luxury Ball. It was suppose to make Pokémon be friendlier. It was obviously her favorite. Or was it?

"And he opponent on the right side of the stadium is....Soul Evans! He stands out as a student in the PMA for his talent of making his Pokémon undeniably powerful and loyal has made him famous in the world of Pokémon,"

A boy with a bandana that said, 'Soul' also came onto the stadium after Death the Kid's introduction. He walked nonchalantly toward the center if the stadium and stood there. A group of girls chanted his name from the stands, trying to get his attention.

Soul ignored the girls and looked to his opponent to see her looking through her Poké Balls. He decided to do the same to pick the ones her was going to use in the battle.

Soul scanned through his set of Pokémon. His were mainly Great Balls which were better than regular ones but not as good as Ultra. All of the Great Balls had what looked like a little sticker on them that was a different color or place. He only had one that wasn't a Great Ball and stuck out like a sore thumb. A Dusk Ball. Dusk Balls were known to be good with catching Pokémon in dark places like caves or at nighttime.

Maka and Soul knew each other too well. They had memorized each other's strategies, but knew nothing about them personally and didn't really care.

"Soul, Maka, it's time for the match to commence! Get your Pokémon ready!" Death the Kid announced stridently.

Maka and Soul grabbed two Poké Balls from their belts. They put a device on one of their eyes so they could see how much damage their Pokémon were taking during battle. Maka gracefully grabbed her Dive Ball and Luxury Ball and held them in her hands. Soul's expression looked a bit baffled but he quickly recovered and smirked impishly, showing his pointy teeth. He snatched a Great Ball and Dusk Ball off if his belt and took a stance. Maka didn't show any signs of nervousness at all and kept her confident posture.

"Before the battle starts, I'll flip this coin to see who will have the first attack. Heads will be Maka and Tails will be Soul,"

Kid flipped the coin and it landed on...

"Heads! Maka will make the first attack each round!"

Maka grinned in satisfaction while Soul rolled his eyes.

"Now that that's settled, let the match BEGIN!"


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