Blue V.S. Yellow-Part 2

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"Alright! So, this is going to be a one-on-one battle! That means once you lose, you lose!" Black☆Star said as he searched in this pockets and pulled out an Ultra Ball.

Tsubaki nodded and looked at Nakasukasa. "I'm going to use Nakasukasa for this battle," She then looked at Black☆Star asked,"Who are you going to choose to battle with?"

He gave a cocky smirk and response and said, "You'll see. So, you ready to start?"

Tsubaki gave a nod and Black☆Star grinned and loudly announced, throwing his Ultra Ball, "Alright! Shadow☆Star, GO!"

Immediately after the Ultra Ball hit the ground, a black Greninja appeared and stood valiantly.

Tsubaki's face looked a little worried and Black☆Star impishly smiled but what she said wasn't what he thought it was going to be.

"Are you sure you want that Pokémon going up against a Deerling?" she asked with concern.

So it wasn't her Pokémon she was worried about, it was mine? Pfft, you got to be kidding, Black☆Star scoffed mentally.

"Yeah! I'm absolutely sure! And I'm sure he's going to kick your girly Pokémon's ass!" Black☆Star spat angrily but with an overwhelming amount of confidence.

"Well, actually Nakasukasa is a boy," Tsubaki corrected innocently.

"Well, it looks like a girl! Let's just fight already!" Black☆Star argued with an irritated voice.

"Okay, so who's turn to attack will be first?" Tsubaki questioned calmly.

"Easy. Yours because it needs it," Black☆Star replied with haste.

"Okay, then," Tsubaki said with a small smile.

She didn't want to tell him the true problem with this match. She knew that this battle would be an easy win if she put her moves right. She had heard about this Pokémon before and knew it could change its type. The only way that she could take him out was by using an attack that would KO him in one go.

Nakasukasa looked up at his trainer with eager eyes. He seemed to see the disadvantage too and was ready to win.

"Nakasukasa, let's do this! Use Sing!" Tsubaki commanded.

Her Pokémon then let out a soft, calming whistle that put Shadow☆Star into a deep slumber.

"WHAT?! NO! DON'T FALL ASLEEP ON ME!" Black☆Star commanded in a yell.

He began scavenging through a small bag until he pulled out a blue berry. A big grin came on his face but Tsubaki was a bit concerned. He noticed and got angry, yelling. "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME WITH PITY? YOU SHOULD BE TREMBLING IN FEAR!"

"Um...well...that's a Rawst Berry..." Tsubaki timidly replied.

"I know! And Rawst Berries cure anything!" Black☆Star replied confidentiality.

"Actually that's-" Tsubaki tried to say but was interrupted by...


Black☆Star then ran to his Pokémon quickly and threw the berry in his mouth. Both Tsubaki and Black☆Star waited anxiously Shadow☆Star to wake.

"Why are you not waking up?!" Black☆Star shouted at his Pokémon's face.

"Um...can you move out of the way so I can have my turn?" Tsubaki politely asked her competitor.

Black☆Star moved out of the way, mumbling and grumbling to his spot.

Tsubaki looked at Natkasukasa with bright, hopeful eyes. They nodded to another before Tsubaki said, "Nakasukasa, use Solar Beam!" Then, she closed her eyes waiting for the impact.

Nakasukasa charged a bit before he sent out a massive, light beam at Shadow☆Star.

"Aaaagggghhhh!" Black☆Star cried as the light seemed to hit him directly in the eyes.

As soon as the place cleared up, Tsubaki heard a cry that came from the opposite side. It was Black☆Star's Greninja, who had fainted from the attack.

"You did it, Nakasukasa!" Tsubaki cheered as her Pokémon jumping into her loving arms. But she soon noticed Shadow☆Star wasn't the only one down.

"Black☆Star?" Tsubaki worriedly as she put down her Pokémon and ran to him. She knelt down beside him and Black☆Star sprang up.

"You're all right!" Tsubaki cheered.

Black☆Star only glanced at her before he turned his head: "For the record, I didn't lose. I let you win because you're a girl,"

"That's fine with me,"

"What?!" Black☆Star said as he faced Tsubaki. She was smiling brightly at him. Was she really so accepting?

"We can tell people that if you want. I don't mind. I just want you to be my partner," she replied with the same smile.

He was completely shocked by what she was saying. She was okay with telling people she lost and she still wanted to be his partner. Even after he fought like a weakling.

"But why do you want to be my partner?" Black☆Star asked with a very puzzled expression. "You're the one who won!!"

"You said that if I win you get to be my partner. I won so it's my decision whether or not we're partners and I say we are!" Tsubaki confidently stated.

She held out her hand to help him up. He was hesitant at first, mainly because of shock. But he took it. Their hands seemed to fit perfectly together. They both grinned at each other as they stood in front if the PMA. Both of them stood there for a minute together, just looking into each other's eyes. They knew they had found their perfect partners. Even though they did have a rough start...

"So," Black☆Star finally said to Tsubaki. "The only thing left for you now is go sign up and become a member of the PMA!"

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot!" Tsubaki giggled.

"C'mon, I'll go with you," Black☆Star told her with a charming glow.

"Thank you. I'm kind of nervous..." Tsubaki mumbled timidly.

"No way! You can't be nervous, Tsubaki! You're the greatest Pokémon trainer I've seen here! You beat me! And I'm one of the greatest students here!" Black☆Star complemented but somehow boasted about himself.

But Tsubaki didn't mind at all. "Thank you again,"

"Of course! Just don't tell anybody I said that!"

"Why of course! Who would even begin to think that The Great Black☆Star said that about me anyway?" Tsubaki joked and Black☆Star laughed in response and said, "Only you,"

She blushed and turned away from him. Black☆Star didn't notice and said, "Well, what are we standing around
waiting for? Let's go!"

Tsubaki nodded and called for Nakasukasa and they were on their way to the PMA. Where their life was truly finally going to begin.


~Hey guys! Sorry for such a short chapter but I'm really happy to finally have it finished. This 2 part chapter is actually a flashback whereas Soul and Maka's was in the present. But yes I'm going in order so you know who's coming next! I'm still deciding how it will be but it will be them. Thank you for reading though guys I can't believe how many views this has! I'm so happy! Anyways, vote and comment! And don't be afraid to comment on anything I don't bite!

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