Chapter 2: Blue V.S Yellow

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A black haired girl walked along the staircase to the PMA. After many flights of stairs she eventually reached the top, eager to join. She was more than capable of being a Pokémon Master and she knew it. She didn't like to brag though. She wasn't the kind that wanted to seem special.

"Well, here we are Nakatsukasa," she told her Pokémon happily.

Just then, she noticed everyone gathered around the PMA building.

"Who's that?"

"You mean what's that,"

"Is that a Mankey?"

"Maybe it's to promote the PMA?"

"Maybe it's lame I'm outta here,"

The last guy left and some others followed. Out of curiosity, the girl looked up to see an object perched on a part of the building.

She could hear just hear bits of pieces of what the object was saying.


As people were clearing out, the girl was able to get closer to the building and could hear it a little bit more. What she saw was what looked like a blue-haired boy on the peak of the PMA building.

"And that's why I'm gonna be the best Pokémon Master of all time! I WILL SUPASS RED! REMEMBER MY NAME!"

The girl looked at her little Pokémon and said, "What do you think?" The Deerling gave a little nod and then the the girl commenced in her applause for the boy.

She was the only one left and so her applause echoed off the pavement and made its way to him. He peered down and saw the girl and gave a little thumbs up. He jumped from where he was perched all the way down to the girl.

"Oh my goodness! Are you all right?" the girl gasped when he landed in front of her.

"Of course I'm fine! Weren't you listening? I'm the GREAT BLACK☆STAR!! the boy boasted with a wide grin.

Now that the boy had jumped down, she could see him better. "The Great Black☆Star"'s appearance was very surprising. He wore a white and red hat over his big, spiky, light blue hair. His skin was pretty tan and he had muscular biceps and triceps. You could tell he worked out. And his eyes were a dark green color and seemed to pierce into her soul. The girl's face reddened at the fact she observed that.

She giggled and replied,"That is what you said,"

He gave another grin and then he noticed her Pokémon that was at her feet and yelled,"YOU HAVE A POKÉMON!!"

"Well, yes. This is the PMA isn't it?" the girl asked the boy with concern.

"Yeah, but sometimes people just come to see me," the boy stated, pointing to himself with pride.

"No, I don't think that-" the girl protested but was cut off.

"Since I can tell you're dying to ask, I'll let you be my partner, but you have to beat me in a Pokémon Battle," 'The Great Black☆Star' declared without asking if she even wanted to be his partner.

"Um, well I-"

"Great! Let's see what you got,- wait, what's your name?" the boy asked as his energy temporarily ceased.

"Um...I'm Tsubaki. And you are?" the black haired girl informed with a little bow.

"I would tell you my name but you already know it," he replied with a proud, wide grin.

"Black☆Star..." Tsubaki repeated to herself quietly.

"So now," Black☆Star said as he took a fighting stance. "ready to start the battle? Of course, we know who will win but I'll give you a chance at least," he chuckled to himself softly.

"All right, let's start then," Tsubaki smiled happily to her new opponent and took a normal stance.

"Heh, hope you're ready to lose,"

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