Emerald V.S. Ruby Part 2

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"C'mon, Vulpix! Give it your all!"

"You got this, Soul Eater! Just stay cool!"



"The first Pokémon out are the fire Pokémon named Vulpix and a dark Pokémon, a shiny Umberon that Soul calls, "Soul Eater!" Note that Shiny Pokémon have higher stats than normal Pokémon or in this case, a normal Umberon. If you've been to the previous battles, you can tell that Maka has changed her Pokémon set up. She usually summons Espeon out. She in to win this time,"

Maka put on a serious look and her vibe too. Soul seemed calm and unworried about everything.

"See you got some sense to pick a decent Pokémon this time. Make your move, princess," Soul taunted with a sly grin.

"And I see you picked the same Pokémon that you always do," Maka stated without a change in her voice at all.

Soul laughed mockingly, "You think that that can stand against Soul Eater?" He continued laughing but it didn't phase Maka.

Maka looked to her Pokémon and commanded, "Vulpix, use Tail Whip!"

"Excellent move done by, Maka!" Kid commented as the battle began.

Soul scoffed quietly to himself, "Like that's going to help you any. Soul Eater, use Dark Pulse!"

Soul Eater's markings began to glow on his body and dark aura surged through him. Vulpix got knocked back but she recovered and got back in her position.

Soul snickered and said as he looked through his scanner, "She's so weak, Maka. She's in the yellow now right now,"

Once again, Maka ignored her competitor. "Good job, Vulpix. Now, use Flamethrower!"

Vulpix opened her mouth wide and took a big breath of air. When she did that, she let out a big gust of flames. Soul Eater tried to move out of the way but failed.

"See, Soul? I lowered his defence so it let his guard down and took more damage than usual. You should teach your Pokémon statistic moves," Maka finally spoke to Soul with cunning edge in her voice.

Soul snarled at Maka and shouted,"Well, I'll show you what I know!! Soul Eater! Use Shadow Ball!"

Soul Eater opened his jaws and aimed directly at Vulpix as a dark ball formed in his mouth and unleashed it.

"Critical Hit!" Kid announced as his voice boomed through the stadium. People in the audience gave a standing ovation to Soul as he gave little bows.

"Vulpix!" Maka cried over the crowd's cheers.

Maka caught Vulpix when she fell. She looked at Maka with her small, charcoal eyes and squeaked as her eyes shut.


Sorrow fell on Maka's face as she watched her Pokémon faint. She never liked seeing them do that. It was like they had died to her.

On the other side of the stadium, Soul was running his hands through his hair. He saw Maka's face and he said, "Looks like your Vulpix is on empty. I know who your going to pick next,"

Maka's silence to Soul continued and as she got up and returned Vulpix to her Luxury Ball.

"Aquarius! It's your turn!"


"Maka's last Pokémon will be Lapras, a Water type Pokémon. Soul is currently leading with two Pokémon, one in the yellow and the other still in its Poké Ball, full health," Kid broadcasted, glancing at the huge screen that showed who was in the lead.

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