Chapter Three

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      I woke in the oversized bed, Dr. Avella didn't spare anything on my hotel room getting me King Suite. It was almost nerve racking how he made me feel, no one has ever made my heart race, not like when I'm dancing or made me feel flutters like standing on the stage, I was light headed by words like I was by the sounds of a applause from hundreds. It should be impossible one person could do that all to you, I was mesmerized by the dark man in the moonlight. Even in the car where not a word was exchanged, my heart leaping, and even though I had never allowed anyone to make me feel this way, it was a feeling I couldn't avoid. I would forget him, I decided. I could not allow this to stop my dreams, my mother made the mistake of falling in love. Her career didn't end, but it was hindered. I was going to be more famous than my mother, I was going to be the star she never wanted me to me, but never stood in my way. I could only walk in her foot prints till they ran out and I needed to make  my own.
     Pushing the plush duvet away from me hard, I got out of bed and went to my bag. Digging in the side pocket, I pulled out the business card, that Mike Powl had handed me two weeks ago. It was a two year tour, it we would we doing an orginal piece by a German musician, Allen Francesca, and even though auditions started five weeks from now they wanted me to not only be the lead, but also help in choreography. I would be paid nicely and truly be the star of the show. I was hesitant to take the deal at first due to the fact, that while they wanted to hire a professional to complete the choreography, they wanted the dance to be raw and honest with emotion that only someone could make their own. 'Actors are only Acting' and that was true no matter how good you portrayed something unless it was personal, it wasn't real enough.
      Sitting in the tall chair, I crossed my legs I flipped the card between my fingers. My mother, had never choreographed a dance for all the ones she had danced in, it was time for me to be greater then my mother. Following in someone shadow was easy, living in my own light is something I never had the chance to do.
        Dialing the number carefully, it rang four times before an answer came. "Mike Powl" he answered. "This is Laklynn Carrel" I spoke."Ahh! Laklynn, I hadn't hear from you was almost worried  I'd have to find me a new Ballerina... this does mean you are accepting my offer right" He said with a little humor in his voice. "It does". "Great, come down to Dekon Theater about twelve and we can sit down with Mr.Francesca and speak further about terms and agreement". Hanging up I leaned back in the chair and exhaled. What had I just done?
     Calling the house, I didn't expect my father to answer when it was his voice, completely I felt awful. "Hello" he answered, a yawn followed. "Dad" I started slowly. "Oh, goodness, Laklynn where are you? I was so worried! How could you leave your phone, take no money, I was certain something had happened to you " he was rumbling something my father never did, they last time he did he explained my mother had died. "Can you please spend Dylan to get me?" I asked.
         "We should talk" Dad said, as I came down the stairs at almost eleven -forty I would be late. I had tied my hair side back leaving most of my hair down, my make was simple, I wore A aqua blue elbow long sleeve shirt that accented all my curves, and a white skirt swayed like an evening gown with I walked, paired with a simple pair of white heels. "I'm late" I said inserting my pearl earrings. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Out" I said simply opening the hall closet pulling out a simple coat for the theater in case it carried to much of a draft. "Was the article true?" I stopping looking at him, "Article?" "About the man, he took you to some hotel. I did not raise you like that, i didn't bel3it, but-" for as second I wanted him to think the worst, but then I knew I couldn't. "Dad, don't read to many of those things he didn't even get in the elevator with me" I thought about it sadly. He hadn't he said goodnight just as the door closed leaving me feeling confused, why he had gotten such a big room.
     "Well" my dad calmed. Kissing my dad cheek, I squeezed his shoulder, "Lets talk more once I return" he was nodding as I slipped out the door. Hailing a cab, I was late, arriving to the theater at almost one.
       "A star" Mr. Francesca said, as I stood on the stage with the light shining warmly on me. "She's perfect, litterly, perfect not a single blish on her face and her body, no once of fat! Like a barbie even...A Truly Beautiful Ballerina". "Why don't we bring her down" Mr Powl said. "No, I wish to stare longer. Do you mind, my star? It is I have seen so many beautiful women, and yet each one is unique still" I only Smiled. After about ten more minutes he came up on the stage, his face completely void of emotion, hands behind his back, "You are not my muse, you are a work of art, all natural if I had to guess. This ballet is almost six years in the making, and nothing, no one will bring it down, this show will rival all shows, you will work longer, dance harder, eat less, sleep less, breath deeper, and bleed darker. I will stand for nothing, but perfection from the way you leap into the air, to the way you move your pinky finger". Producing a thick script, from behind him "Can you do this, is all I want to know? Read it, we will meet again Next Tuesday at eight pm, a restaurant of your choosing, I will not wait for you. If you don't show up I will take it as a rejection and move on to find someone else who can be my star" giving me a completely genuine smile, he stretched out the script to me. Taking it I felt weighted down, and had to recenter myself. "I will bring a contract as well" he said, waving as he exited the stage leaving where I stood holding the heavy binding. The bright light beating down me harsher then it ever has.

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