Chapter Thirteen

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One of Maid broght in the hot beverages, coco for Daphne, tea for me, and black coffee for Damian. "Daphne, that is not what I meant" he said. With a equally fierce look, she folded her arms, "Those are your words, if there was a lady in the home, I get to live with you. Lakelynn lives her she pays rent, she is a lady, and I get to live with you". "You know what I meant when I said that" he went on. "No, I know what you said. Besides, I won't be in the way and I already had the school transfer my transcript" she was very serious. I wondered how a child could be so advance. Looking over at Damian, I sipped my tea.
Damian gritted his teeth and I realized he had lost the battle and he was a sore loser. "This is not up for discussion! You will have your school transfer you back and you will be on a plane tonight back" he snapped, with out even raising his voice if anything it dropped an octave. "I will not!" She stood her ground, "You said Lakelynn would leave at the beginning of summer and I will leave at the end". I stood up slowly, "Ms. Carrel, have a seat" Damian gritted out. I lowered myself back in the seat.
Huffing he dropped his head in his hand rubbing his temples, he spoke after a minute, "You will maintain your GPA-" with a small shriek she got up and hugged her dad, he pulled her onto his lap kissing her head, "Of course, Of corse". I felt once again out of place in there family. "Why don't you go unpack, I'll take you to get lunch. I need to speak to Ms.Carrel about a few things"he said. Daphne didn't hesitate to get up and come hug me, "Your not mad?" " Of course not, you would never betray me like that" she smiled up at me. Something in me curled, and I closed my eyes, "Beside my Dad told me everything" she squeezed me a little tighter.
Once she was upstairs, Damian turned to me with a firmness, "Daphne is very impressionable right now. As a young lady there are things I expect her to be taught and understood from a ladies view point. I will not allow my daughter to be so easily corrupted. Meaning you will be that example as long as you stay here. I'll cut all your expenses, you can drive any car in the garage except the Ferrari. I will also, allow you to a two hundred dollar paycheck for any time you spend with her outside of the house". I blinked and cleared my throat, trying not to show how offended I truly was.
"There is no need for a paycheck, I enjoy spending time with your daughter, I will still pay all of my expenses" standing I set the tea down and got up. "I won't touch your Ferrari" I said leaving not allowing him to speak again.
I took the trails slowly and all around, I didn't stop until dark, I went and picked up a dozen red roses from a little store front and drove to the pier. It was cold as expected next to the water but the light burned as bright as usal the line for the ferris wheel was as long as it was every year. Placing the flowers beside me, I stared out at the wheel went around and around. I didn't have to get off so I road it two more times before I got dizzy.
Standing back I watch my cart go around and around," Happy Birthday, Mom". Turning slowly, I made clear eye contact with my dad who held his own boca of flowers. I couldn't help but smile, walking over to him I stood beside him. He dropped a gentle hand on my shoulder, before kissing my forehead, he didn't speak not even as we got on the ferris wheel as we went around, I could hear her laugh in wind, looking over at my dad he was shedding tears, he almost always cried on her birthday. He disappeared on her death day though, returning calm and collected, but I knew he was mourning.
When we got off he had cleaned his face, leaving his flowers in the cart he guided me to one of the food booths and we got a strawberry funnel cake. Once it was gone we walked side my side around the pier. "You can't live with that man" he finally said. "I can" I looked at my watch it was almost seven and I needed to head home, I needed my rest and the cold air wasn't good. "We can get you somewhere better, safer, and all around more stable" he said off put. "I like him, Dad" I said, admitting to the world for the first time. My dad pressed his lips tightly together, stepping back, "You do?" He was almost astonished as I was, when I realized. "Yes, I do. Though the feelings aren't mutual, I'll be gone soon. Its only temporary" I didn't want my father to feel hurt about the position he had put me in. A sad face pulled and he dropped an arm around my shoulder, "He's a fool not to. A old fool". Pulling me along, "He could have the prettiest woman and he saying no" my dad continued on until I was laughing and smiling.
That night I slipped into the house, it smelled heavily of sugary goods, and my stomach turned. I wasn't able to handle any more and headed straight to my room. There was a note taped to my door. In harsh dark cursive, was my name, pulling it off I opened it. It was a request for my presence to a dinner that was less than an hour away. Though I didn't have the heart to go, I pulled myself together and showered did my makeup and pulled on a short red dress that hugged my curves. It was very simple and long sleeved, I paired it was black heels and pulled my hair into a tight high ponytail.
A knock on the door startled me, holding my heart, I paused my music, "Come in". Daphne poked her hair in, and smiled shyly, "You look pretty". "Thank you, If I could pick jewelry" I made a face and she came in smiling. "I can help" she said. She picked a silver charm bracelet and dimond studs. "You've helped me, can I help you?" Putting the back of my earrings on, she touched her wet hair, "I was wondering if you would be willing to brush my hair". I nodded and went to the bathroom grabbing my brush, when I came back she was looking at a picture of me in one of my first tutus. "Is that you?" She asked. I nodded, "Yes". Sitting on the bed she joined me and I started slowly, "Valentine day is stupid" she said. "Why is that?" I asked. She sighed, and I stopped looking over at her face she was all red, "A boy". She turned holding onto my hand, "You can't tell my dad. He will never let me leave the house". "Here?" I asked. She shook her head dropping it, "I'm not pretty enough". I was shocked, almost mortified, "Says who?" "He did he said the only thing that would make me less scary was if I flipped my hair over my head and walked around like the Kayako Saeki. I looked it up" dropping her head in defeat. I lifted it quickly, "Boy flirt weird at that age. At all ages really, but beside that you are to pretty to be upset over his comment". "Well, if I was blonde like Morgan mayb-". "Maybe he doesn't deserve another second of your thoughts" I said, brushing her hair from her face. "Blondes are no prettier than anyone else" I said looking at the dresser mirror I cringed. "I should know" she laughed. "You are a model" getting up from the bed, I got into the closet, "I've seen ugly models, Daphne. No one thing makes a person beautiful" I said, as I slid on my white coat.
She just watches me, "I told dad, I'd be his plus one, but he said its a grown up party". "They are pretty boring" I said, grabbing my clutch. She walked down stairs with me, at the bottom her father was on the phone, "Call me if the status changes". Daphne shrugged, "Well, at least if I did have a Valentine's date he wouldn't be on call". I laughed, just as he hung up. "You look great" his eyes skimmed me and quickly fell to Daphne. "I want you in bed now. No Tv after eleven" she smiled, "Your phone will lock at Eleven thirty". He leaned down kissed her, and hugging her tightl. "Goodnight" he said. I wiggled my fingers at her and followed him out to the running car.
We got in and drove off quickly, "We are going to be late" he said. I didn't say a word, the party was a house dinner and we happen to be right on time, the table was full of chatter and wine glasses moving.
"Lakelynn, isn't today your mother birthday?" Asked a lady across from me. A few people turned their heads to hear the answer "Forgive me, I was a fan" she added. I only smiled swallowing, the fish, I nodded, "Yes, today is her birthday". I could feel Damian's eyes now intently. "She'd be fifty-one now, a shame a heart attack. At her age, so young. I always thought that was suspicious. You know a Ballerina heart attack" she reached for her glass and her husband moved it. I took a sip of my own drink, the lady attention was brought back to me. "Is that how she really died?" She asked. My patience was being tried, clenching jaw, I spoke clearly and my words were frosted, "That's what the report I read said". I felt my hands tighten, it wants her fought she was curious, the news of my mother death was surprising it almost seemed stage. I along with a few people watched her lifeless body be lowered in the ground and for that no one was for sure.
"You just think-" she was cut off by the entrance of my father and his...fiancee. I stood up then, on my mother's birthday if all days to be seen with her, he dared to. "Lakelynn" he said surprised, but kept his arm tightly wrapped around Ms. Maynor. "Lakelynn" she said with a excellent smile. Now all was on is. "So sorry we are late, Cannon, something came up and Luke lost track of time. It could happen to anyone, but of course it happen to me" she laughed as the host came and
greeted her. "Well, had i known you planned to bring the future Mr. Maynor then I would of sat
you next to Damain" he said gesuring to the full seats beside us. "Oh it's fine really we feel as if
we are crashing a party more than anything" she laughed loudly almost obnoxiously. "You could
never, Dear. It is good to see you again Mr. Carrel" he shock his hand sharply. "I didn't get a
chace to complimant your show it was almost phanomnal" I spoke up. She turned and smiled
tighly, "Thank you". "I also loved the outfits you provided for the CHristmas party" my fahter
paled at that obe. He had assumed I would never know. "Well, you did such a great job with the
girls" she blushed. "The lights" I noted. "The lights?" she questioned, looking between me and
then my fahter. "Yes, the lights mostly do all the work". "Oh, well, I hope you enjoy your
dinner" she was trying to politly excuse herself.
"I haven't seen the ring" I said. She looked at me tilted head, "Oh, you haven't?" coming
closer to the table she turned her finger over and showed me the ring it was very pretty. It wasn't
the Safire, rose gold, diamond studded one my mother got from my Grandmother but it was cute.
"My dad has good taste, I was worried sense the last time he gave a woman a ring it was a family
heirloom" I said. She was surprised, but surpressed it with a smile. "It's always nice to have
something new, to make your own memories with" she said. I smiled, my dad was sweating now,
did he know I wanted to make this woman feel the way I felt. That I wanted to bring her to her
knees about how she was smearing this day. My mothers birthday with her very exsistnace and I
wanted to smear her. I hated to make a scene, but to so boldly disgrace my mother.
"Before you go dad, this lady was curious how mom could die of a heart attcak at such a
young age" I said. My dad stepped forward and the lady turned red, "It was just a question as a
fan". "Your the coloumist. You wrote a lovly peice about my wife when she died" he noted.
"Four years after her death" she said. "Yes, but very lovly all the same. I think I mentioned your
name a few times when it was published" he said with fake intrest. "You did, I greatly
apprectated the suppport" she said. "Are you trying to get another story out of my daughter on
her mothers birthday? I hardly think that is what this party is for. I also find it highly inapporite
of you to discount and disgrace my wifes health" he said drilling, into her with his eyes. "You
speak as if she is still living, it seems you didn't move on as well as youd like everyone to belive"
the lady was tipsy, but she was still a blogger. My dad was unfaze, "Sounds like a good headline
can't wait to read about it. However you make sure to leave Grace Carrel out of it". "Is that why
you are taking Maynors last name no other woman is good enough" she asked. The ladys
husband stood and grabbed her, "Dianan, that is enough". "Is it? I think I just found a story. The
broken home, by the wicked daughter"she turned looking at me. I smiled politly, "I personally
hold nothing against Ms. Maynor or her future marrigae". "How could you when you yourself
will soon become a stepmother if all things fall into your lap as they always have" she was
wathing more than she was listening I realized. My Dad looked at me, "That is none of your
business" said Damian in a firm and final voice. He hadn't stopped a single thing, as his knife
split into the steak. "I agree that is enough" Said Cannon the host. I could tell this had all
dragged out to everyones intrest into someone else life. Social media made this seem normal and
yet I knew it wasn't. I was intrested to see the column she would write.
Saying Goodbye was easy, we got in the car drove in silence. He didn't speak until he
parked in front of his house, "I didn't know you had a mean side". "I didn't know I had one
either" I said, looking into the darkness. He was staring at me, "I didn't know today was your
mother birthday". "It's technically like saying happy life day so to have one you must be alive" I
said, folding my hands on my lap. "You took her death very hard" he said. I didn't speak as a
single tear fell from my eye, "She died a long time ago". "She died six years ago" he corrected.
How could it of been only six short years ago whenevery day without her was long and drawn
He reached over and opened the glove compartment, careful not to let his hand touch my
bare knee, he pulled out a gold box wrapped in a white ribbon. Holding it out to me, I looked at him carfully watching his brown eyes. "I didn't know we where exchanging gifts" I said, taking the light box. He didn't say anything as I opened the small box, inside was a simple card. Picking it up, I flipped it over I looked over at him. "It's a hotel key?" "Yes. I have it reserved until the end of July. Daphne wasn't apart of your living arrangement, you may need to get away. Having her around all the time can be over bearing" he said calmly. I nodded, placing it in the box and
closed it, "Thank you".
The next day, I found Dianna Redmans column and to her status she was very good. The
article she wrote and published, if I had not been there was more believable the more I read.
Damian however I couldn't help but notice was not mentioned as if she realized he would not
stand for it. I on the other hand was use to having things printed about me, and would do nothing
about it. Furture Mr Maynor? What a catchy title. She even mention the fact it was my mohters
birthday which was nice. I read another article that said caught pictures out. It was labeled Daddy
and Daughter celebrate Dead Ballerina Birthday. It went on to talk about all the things he stalked
us doing. I always wondered how they could tail someone so long our was it just an accidnet. I
doubted that.
Getting out of bed, I prepared for the rest of the day. I was just don't gettting done when my
phone rang with a unknown number. "Hello?" I answered. "Hello, This is Gabrielle Mayner" my
hand tightner on the phone. "Can I help you?" I asked, trying not to remain calm.
"Yes, did you see Dianna Redmans Coloumn?" I nodded. "I grazed it". Looking at my nails, I
realized I was in need of a maincure. "Yes, well that's bad PR and with my new clothing line launching and I'm sure you can agree you don't need that kind of publicity right now" she said. I sighed, "I don't really care. If anything you look like a damsel in distress. I am the wicked witch, you would think they would pity". "A motherless child to the woman who stole her only parent, is how I read that" she said. A motherless child. "I am no child" I said tightly. "Yet, you consiently act like one" she shot back. "Since you belive that" I said hanging up on her. I huffed standing, I looked in the mirroir then my phone. That was childish.
However, I had to much pride to call her back. I was on my way out the door when laughter from the living room pulled me in. Damian and Daphne were sitting on the floor playing a game I hadn't played in year. Mancala, both smiling broadly and anticipating the others move.
Damian entire body was relax, and wrinked around his mouth added to his attractiveness. He had bright teeth, perfect health kind of teeth, blushing I should not look at him.
"Where are you going?" Asked Daphne spotting me. I came into the room folding my hands in front of me, "I was going to the studio". "On a Sunday?" She tilted her head. "Its my own religion" I said, shifting my weight with my bag. She wad quiet, "We are catholic, but priests are pretty creepy. So I only to go to mass once a month". I nodded, "I was raised Pentecostal". Damian looked at me then, "I couldn't imagine". Daphne looked at him then me, "Can I come?" "Sure" I said just as Damian replied, "No". Looking at her dad and then me, I gave in first, "I don't mind, but if your dad says no...". "Why can't I go" she said to him. "I figured Lakelynn would like-" just then his phone rang dragging his attention away. Getting up she came to my side, "I'll be just a minute". He couldn't stop her, if he wasn't here.

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