Chapter 5. What To Do Now?

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Leon, Claire, Kara, Sherry and Alice had found a place to stay; a run down motel. Leon had rented them all a room, since it was getting dark. They were all doing something; Claire and Sherry were playing together on the carpeted floor, Kara and Alice were watching TV, and Leon was leaning against the bathroom door frame, thinking about what had happened. And what would happen. He sighed as he had two thoughts that couldn't have been true. 'What if they were stuck here forever?' and 'What if the virus spreads here?' Claire noticed the expression on his face as his eyes scanned the TV.
"Here, watch some TV with Alice and Kara," Claire said, pointing at their new friends. Sherry nodded and sat on the bed with them.

Leon was deep in thought about what would happen.
"Hey... you ok?" he heard a voice behind him asked. He jumped a little, and turned his head to see Claire.
"Oh... yeah, I'm fine."
"No you're not. What's wrong?" Claire places a hand on his shoulder. He turned fully, placing both his hands on her shoulders.
"What if we'll never go back to 1998? I'm afraid..." He quickly realised what he said, and trying to protect his reputation, he said, "Uh, f-for you and Sherry." Claire chuckled a little.
"Leon, it's ok. As you said, 'as long as we're together, we'll be fine.' So don't worry, we're a family now." At her words, Leon blushed the tiniest bit. But then he got rid of it quick. But Claire saw it, he couldn't hide it from her.

"But... what if the infected come?" He leaned to the side, peering at his new friends and Sherry.
"It'll be fine. We're thirty years in the future, and they haven't come yet." At that very moment, Leon heard groaning. Coming from the bathroom. Claire opened her mouth, shocked at the ironic moment. Leon held a finger to his lips and pulled the shotgun off his back. Sherry, Alice and Kara noticed this and they turned the TV of, hiding behind one of the beds. They peeked over the edge to see what was happening. Leon slowly and cautiously stepped into the bathroom. He flicked the light on to reveal nothing. Then again; a groan filled the air. He searched the room, Claire watching from the doorway, frozen in position. Leon finally reached the shower/bathtub. The curtains were covering what was behind.

Ready and expectant of what was to come, Leon pulled the curtains away. There, in the bathtub, stood a man. A man with many injuries. A man with rotten flesh. He turned to reveal his rotted face, launching himself at Leon. They both fell to the ground, Leon's grunts filling the bathroom. Claire took out her handgun and shot the zombie in the head as it scrambled to get Leon's neck. It rolled off him, Leon jumping up and aiming at the flesh eater. The zombie's head exploded; bits of brains and blood and goop spilling on the floor.

"Guys, it's not safe. We have to go," Leon said, pushing the door open. He looked out at the streets to see Androids and humans running, dead bodies with pools of red and blue blood under them. The five exited the motel room, trying to find a safer place. While they walked, Claire realised that Leon's concerns filled her own mind. She tried to shake away the thoughts, but they were stuck in her brain.
"Why does this always have to happen at night?" Leon asked rhetorically, scowling. They continued to walk through the zombie-ridden streets, before Kara suggested an idea.

"Instead of wasting ammo, why don't we pretend to be the zombies?" Leon and Claire looked at each other.
"Why hadn't I thought of that?" she asked herself. They began to limp down the path and groan, Alice silently sobbing since she had never been through anything as terrifying as this. A zombie walked up to them. A trail of sweat trickled down Leon's forehead, before the zombie staggered straight past. He gave a sigh of relief, the zombie turning back at him. He quickly groaned and continued after his group which had staggered a little further away than him.

"Guys, where do we hide?" Leon whispered through gritted teeth, letting out a groan. Kara lifted her arms up as if she was going to grab someone, pointing towards an abandoned warehouse.
"There," she replied, quickly pulling her arm back down so Alice could grab it. They entered the warehouse, Leon, Claire and Kara pushing large crates in front of the door to barricade it.
"Well that was easy-." Leon stopped as he turned to see multiple figures behind him. He held up his gun. A familiar person said, "Woah, don't shoot. We aren't whatever 'they' were." Leon knew he had seen this man's face before. He finally realised. It was... but it couldn't be... Marcus? He had one green eye and one blue eye, and the little blue circle on the side of his head was gone...

"I-Is that you, Marcus?" Claire said, reading Leon's mind.
"Yeah, it's me."
"What happened to you?" Marcus took a deep breathe.
"This is what happened to me..."

Marcus's Story (You probably already know it.)
I came home with Carl from the store, when we noticed there was a light on in our house. Carl told me to call the police, so I did. We entered the room to see Carl's son, Leo (what a coincidence, so similar to LEON), trying to take some paintings. Carl and Leo had a fight about how Carl treated me better as a son than Leo, although I was only an Android. Leo then accidentally injured Carl. "Carl. CARL. DAD!" I had cried. Then, the police came at that moment. Leo quickly accused me of murdering Carl, and they shot me. I woke up in a junkyard. My legs and eye was missing, and I was damaged. But I found compatible parts to repair myself with.

"He... he..." Marcus looked away, then back at the five friends.
"He's gone." Leon looked away. Claire put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at her. Her bright blue eyes observed his, before she turned to Marcus, hand still on Leon's shoulder.
"Do you know a way to... time travel?" Marcus looked over to her and replied, "yes, the time machine prototype, the one located in the Cyberlife HQ." Claire nodded and gripped Leon's hand, the five friends beginning to walk away to find another exit.
"Wait," Marcus said, some other people joining his side.
"Take us with you... we can help you!" Leon nodded, still holding Claire's hand, and the now many people, Leon, Claire, Sherry, Kara, Alice, Marcus, North, Simon and Josh, began to search for another way out, because none of them had the strength anymore to remove the large crates from in front of the big warehouse doors.

A/N- Hey guys! Sorry for making a really long chapter. If you guys want I can make a whole heap of short chapters, or less long ones. Comment and let me know!
Luv you all!

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