Chapter 15. We Need To Get Out

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"Was that Mama?" Connor whispered as quiet as he could. Hank nodded. Just then, a blue furby came into view. Connor quickly dove at it as its mouth opened. He covered the mouth, the sound coming out muffled. Hank sighed with relief, helping his friend up. Connor's radio crackled. He lifted it to his ear and listened.
"Connor... tell Hank we found- furbies- all-." Then static. Maybe he said, 'Connor, tell Hank we found the furbies, all of them!' Hopefully.
"Leon, I can't hear you. You're breaking up," Connor whispered. Nothing.
"Hank, I think they found all the furbies," Connor said. Hank nodded and they began to quietly search for their friends. They noticed Sherry wondering around alone.
"Sherry? Where's Leon and Claire?" Connor asked.
"I-I dunno, I l-lost them..." she replied. They all made their way to the basement where they found everyone else.
"Oh Sherry, you made me worried sick!" Claire said, rushing up to Sherry and hugging her. Leon joined the hug. Then everyone else did. Except Hank. Connor noticed and gestured for him to come and hug them to. So he did.

"Is he back yet?" Hank groaned, worried.
"No, he's still out there..."
"That man could die!"
"He... isn't a man..." Leon hesitated before saying that. He treated Connor as a human, because he basically was one. Speaking of Connor, Connor had volunteered to go kill Mama and he hadn't returned.
"What?" Hank said, confused.
"Never mind, he is one," Leon replied.
"And he will come back." At that moment, guess who came back? Connor! Hank threw himself onto him, hugging him tightly.
"It's done. She's dead," Connor said, making a twisting movement with his hands before pulling them away from each other hard.
"Thank you so much, mister!" Hank cried happily.
"I'll never peek at my presents again!" He rushed off to bed.
"Well, we should get going, shouldn't we?" Kara asked. Leon nodded, leading the group back to the time machine. But... it wasn't there. It was gone. Leon groaned.
"Who had the job of remembering where we parked?!" he yelled. The group pointed at him.
"Oh," he said, his face going red. After about two hours, the group rediscovered the time machine. They hopped in and left.

It was time. No mercy. Time to kill William. To end it all. They went back to the 25th of September, back to the cavern. They watched themselves watching Leon, Claire and Sherry getting rekt by William. Once both the past versions of them had left, Leon jumped into the open where William stood with his back turned. With that, he shot a rocket from his rocket launcher. William fell face first, turning slowly behind him. They had gotten a tank from the military after informing them of William. Connor commanded the tank and drove it at William. He shot at him, William sinking more and more into the ground. Connor drove over him, making him perfectly level with the floor, a tan patch of the ground. Leon knew he couldn't be killed. So he slowly walked over to the weak William.
"I... thought... you... were... my...... friend," William groaned. Leon growled.
"I can never be friends with a monster like you," he replied harshly. William whimpered and looked away, ready for what was coming. Leon held a purple futuristic syringe in his palm. He knew exactly what to do, what he had wanted to do for days now. It felt like years. He stabbed the needle into William's neck. William's yellow eyes widened.
"This... is... good..bye...." he grunted as his flesh turned white. The flakes blew away in the wind. It was over. This is over. Connor hopped out of the tank, walking over to Leon.

"It's over, right?" he asked.
"Yes," Leon replied, "I think so." With that, everyone hugged each other. It was all over. Finally. Leon and Claire kissed, Sherry giggling happily. Leon, Claire and Sherry used the time machine to take everyone to their homes. Freddy and his gang first, then Connor, Kara, Alice, Markus, North, Simon and Josh. Then it was only Leon, Claire and Sherry left. They left the time machine invisible near the cave where it had all started. Now it was but a memory. The three walked down the dusty road once again, Leon's arm around Claire's shoulders and her's around his, holding Sherry's hand with her other arm.

"It's all over..."

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