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Leon, Claire and Sherry

Leon and Claire sat in the living room on the couch, watching the TV. Sherry entered the room.
"Hey mum, hey dad."
"Hey," the two replied. Leon's phone buzzed.
"Sorry guys, I've been called into work," he said. He went upstairs to put his police gear on. It was 2001. Years had passed and everything was still good. Leon left the house to drive to the Detroit Police Department. Sherry sat on the couch, playing with the toys of her, Leon and Claire that her mother had made for her. Claire had also made a zombie doll.
"Argh," Sherry groaned, imitating a zombie.
"Ahh, help!" she said in her own voice, moving the Sherry doll around.
"It's ok, I've got it!" Sherry said in a deep voice, moving the Leon doll onto the zombie. Claire smiled. She grabbed the Claire doll, and in her own voice, she said,
"Hey, leave some for me!" Sherry giggled. They spent the next hour playing a game with the dolls they called, "Resident Evil 2".


Connor walked up to the Chicken Feed, the first place he relaxed with Hank. He noticed Hank standing there, facing the other way. He turned, seeing Connor. He smiled. Connor did the same. They both walked towards each other, and Hank pulled Connor into a hug.
"I missed you, buddy," Hank said, still hugging him.
"I missed you too, Lieuten- Hank." Hank pulled away.
"How'd it go?"
"We got rid of the zombies, and the cause of them."
"That's good. Now Sumo wants to say hi to you, I think," Hank said happily.
"Let's go," Connor replied. Hank draped an arm over Connor's shoulder, Connor doing the same to Hank, and they walked in the direction of Hank's home.

Kara and Alice

Kara stood at the kitchen bench, mixing the batter she had made for a cake to celebrate her family's freedom. Alice rushed in.
"Ooh ooh, are you baking a cake?" she asked happily, grinning.
"Yes I am. For you, me and Luther." Luther was an Android they had met which helped them get to here, in Canada. Their new home had everything they needed. They even had a little dog, a little tiny puppy which Alice had named Fredbear in remeberence of the golden bear that had helped save them. The puppy even had a purple bow tie for its collar. Luther, a giant man, walked into the kitchen.
"Alice, it's time for your bath," he said.
"Yes, Luther," she replied happily.
"If you want, Fredbear could have one with you..."
"Yay!" was all she said, rushing up the stairs to the bathroom. The house reminded Kara of Rose's house. Rose and her son, Adam, also helped to get Kara, Alice and Luther across the border. Kara sighed as she put the batter in the oven, remembering her friends and those who helped her.

Markus, North, Simon and Josh

Markus stared out the ship's windows, staring at nothing. Just thinking. Thinking about the friends he would probably would never see again. North tapped his shoulder.
"Hey, what's up?" she asked.
"Oh, nothing. Just thinking about what to do with Jericho," Markus replied. Jericho was the name of the ship that gave refuge to these homeless Androids. The whole community was now called Jericho.
"Should we attack, the humans, or should we make piece with them?" North asked.
"Exactly," Josh said from the doorway.
"What should we do?" Simon asked from the back of the room.
"Should we even do anything for our freedom?" Markus asked himself.
"Of course we should," his three companions said in unison.
"We should have a peaceful protest. Show the humans we won't hurt them," Josh said.
"But that wont get us anywhere. We have to attack the humans!" North protested.
"Maybe we should wait until the news dies down," Simon said. They all had different opinions. What would Markus choose? He thought about his friends, what they did.

"We have a peaceful protest."

Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy

Freddy was upset. Maybe if Leon didn't dump them back at the pizzeria, this wouldn't have happened. He looked at his friends. Bonnie's arm was ripped of, and his whole face down to his jaw. Chica had both arms ripped off and her beak was opened, as if she was screaming, and she couldn't close it. Foxy's ear was ripped off, leaving the endo left. He had patches here and there, wires came out of places. Freddy was in a better condition. He had wires leaking from everywhere, and his right eyelid wouldn't rise all the way. They were withered. Scrapped. Replaced with shiny robots without souls. They were all laying up on the walls. Remembering all their memories before they shut off forever. Like Golden Freddy had. Purple Guy was dead, by that purple syringe, and the only threat to the animatronics now was that they were at the brink of death, again. They would be killed twice. It wasn't fair. No one else went through what they went through. They felt alone. They had no one. No friends. No family. The only thing that kept them from shutting off was the thought that Leon would come and get them, and fix them, and take them away from this terrible place. When they realised that was never going to happen, they shut off. There was no reason to live anymore. Their souls flew out of their bodies. They were free. Free from the prison that Purple Guy had made them. Free from the horrors of the treacherous life of a barely alive robot. Now, they could be free, and the souls drifted away in the wind. They deserved their freedom. Here it was, waiting for them. With that, they vanished. They stopped existing. They rested in piece.

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