Chapter 4. Searching For Sherry

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Kara pushed the glass door of the medic's office open. Leon limped in, Claire supporting him inside. Alice stood behind Kara, still shy of the new people around her. The medic, an Android with brown hair, stood up from her desk.
"Hi, how may I help you?" he asked. Kara pointed to Leon.
"My new friend is injured. Could you help him?" The medic looked at Leon, then back to Kara.
"Of course. It is my duty to help those in need." He gestured for Leon to sit on the little medical bed in the corner of the room. Claire stood leaning against the wall, arms crossed, while Kara was with the medic, explaining Leon's injuries.

Alice was standing on the other side of the room, gripping the arm of a little fox plushie. Claire was tempted to go talk with her, but she was sure Alice would just go back to Kara and hide.
"This won't hurt a bit." The medic brought some type of machine to Leon's chest. A faint pulse of energy shot through Leon, causing him to lean back a bit on the medical bed he was seated on. Claire was concerned about some other things than what was happening. Number one, how would they get back to their time, 1998, if they were in 2038? Thirty years in the future? And number two; how much would the cost be of fixing Leon? It would probably cost a fortune.

"There, all done," the medic said, helping Leon off the bed. Claire looked over to see Leon as good as new. Kara thanked the medic, and so did Claire. Then, Claire had to bring up the question. She sighed and asked the medic,
"How much will this cost?" Claire felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see it was Kara's. She pushed Claire behind her and said, "Please excuse my friend. She was in a little accident recently, and she's a little confused." The medic nodded and let them leave.

Claire walked alongside Kara, Leon on her other side.
"So... we didn't have to pay?"
"Certain services like that are free, for people in need. If it's a checkup, then it will have a cost." The for continued walking.
"Now our priority is to find Sherry," Leon said, looking at the others. They looked back at him and nodded. They began to search everywhere around the big city; having the same result everywhere. No Sherry. That was when Claire spotted Sherry walking into another house...
Sherry walked around the big city, thinking Claire was right behind her. She turned around.
"Cla-." She scanned the area.
"Claire? CLAIRE?!?" Sherry became anxious; she had no idea where she was in this massive city. She went back the way she came, to the park they discovered themselves in. No one was there. Leon and Claire were gone. Sherry looked around, stressing now, searching for the woman with the black singlet and the man in the R.P.D uniform. Tears fell down her cheeks as she realised; she was alone. She would always be. Her mother and father were dead, her new family were missing, and she didn't know where she was.

She sat on the dirty floor, wrapping her arms around her knees. She buried her teary face into her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. That's when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped up in surprise to see a man with a blue ring on the side of his forehead, like one from the ad. The man had blue eyes, a little like Leon's.
"It is ok, little girl. I am not going to hurt you." She sniffled and wiped the tears off her face. The man knelt down to her height.
"What's wrong?" he asked her. She looked at him. 'Should I trust him?' She took a deep breathe.
"I-I lost my family, and I d-don't know w-w-where I am!" The man held her hand and said, "Do not worry, I'll help you find them."

In the man's other arm was a box of paint. The two of them walked off to the bus stop, when the bus came. Sherry came with the man in the Android compartment of the bus. It was horrible to see they seperate the humans from the Androids. They eventually hopped of the bus, walking down the street.
"Sir, what's your name?" Sherry asked, looking up into his blue eyes.
"I am... Marcus." The two continued down the street, past a building called the Detroit Hospital. They were at the corner of the street, when Marcus took the girl up the steps of a giant mansion's front porch. He opened the door and pulled the little girl inside.
"Guys! There!" Claire yelled quickly, pointing to the mansion Sherry was walking into. Leon and Claire rushed to the door, Kara and Alice walking behind. Leon knocked on the door, glancing over at Claire with a worried expression, then back at the door. They waited for a while, before an old man in a wheelchair opened the door.
"Yes, how may I help you?" He observed the worried expressions of the two young people in front of him.

"We, ur, just saw our-." Leon paused to think his words through.
"-daughter come in here. Her name is, Sherry Birkin?" The old man looked back into the house, shouting the name, 'Marcus'.
"Don't worry, my Android is coming with her right now." He looked up at them, since he was in a wheelchair.
"I didn't introduce myself, did I?" The man said, extending a hand to Leon.
"I'm Carl." Leon shook his hand, and Carl extended it up to Claire. That was when Marcus came down the stairs and to the front door. He was holding the hand of...
"SHERRY!" The two friends flung themselves on her, happy to see she was back.

"Thank you for your help, Carl and Marcus," Leon said, holding Sherry's hand while Claire took her other. The door shut and the three came down the steps to Kara.
"Sherry, this is Kara," Claire said, gesturing to the person in front of them. Sherry waved, and Kara waved back.
"And this is Alice!" Claire continued, as Alice stepped out from behind Kara.
"Hello!" Sherry said, looking at the little girl. She hid back behind Kara. The group of five began walking down the street, searching around to find a way to get back where they came from.

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