Chapter 11. What...?

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Claire had wrapped Leon's arm with a bandage. They all had a short rest, before going to the nearest hospital.
"So... even if this WAS the hospital William was born in, which room would it be?" North asked. Leon thought for a moment.
"I dunno."
"So then let's split up and search the whole hospital," Mike said, gesturing to the dark hallway in front of them.
"Yeah... in groups, or..." Leon said, before Claire quickly said, "Groups! We, uh... in case something happens to someone, we can get backup easier. You know." She backed away, looking down at Sherry. Leon nodded, before they all discussed what the groups would be. In the end, it turned out like this:
Leon, Claire and Sherry were together, Freddy and Bonnie, Chica and Foxy, Marcus and North were together and Connor, Kara and Alice were together. Mike and Mr X were also together, and Josh and Simon were together. Leon had found more radios back at Umbrella's lab, so everyone had a radio. They all split up and went their seperate ways with their groups- each searching hospital rooms one by one.

Leon, Claire and Sherry entered a room to see papers everywhere. Leon grabbed one, scanning the scribbles.
"These... these are plans for Umbrella..." Claire came over and grabbed the paper.
"You're right... it wasn't William who designed it... it was his parents???" Leon nodded.
"Probably." They exited the room, entering another one to find a woman on a bed holding a baby.
"Are- Are you the doctors?" she asked.
"Uh, yes, we are," Claire replied. Leon grabbed his left arm, making sure Sherry nor Claire could see him doing so. He observed the crispy black, how it was slowly growing up his to his sleeve. He quickly dropped it, sure no one had seen him, until the woman spoke up.
"Are you injured, Doctor? You should really get that fixed," she said, holding the baby in one arm while pointing at Leon's arm with her other.
"Oh, I'm fine!" he replied quickly. Claire gave him a quick worried glance, before turning her head back to the woman.
"So... what's your name?" Claire asked.
"I'm-." She was cut off by the door swinging open, revealing four angry animatronics, all their eyes were black with white pupils. Bonnie pointed at the baby.
"That's William," he growled in his metallic voice. The woman screamed, holding her baby close to her chest. The baby began crying, and Chica stepped forward.
"We need to kill him," she roared, glaring at the little baby. The woman turned to look at Claire.
"You lied to me... you aren't doctors!" she cried. Leon felt really bad- so bad he might not even do it... kill the child.
"Uh, maybe we should rethink this... there has to be another way to solve our dilemma." Claire nodded and turned to walk out, gripping Sherry's hand.

Freddy walked up to the medical bed.
"If you won't kill the kid, I will," he growled. He opened his mouth as far as he could, screaming in the baby's face. He tried to pull him out of his mother's grip, but she was too strong. So instead he launched himself at the baby. The baby's head was in Freddy's mouth, but for some reason, he couldn't bite down. Was it his humanity? His soul resisting the temptation? He finally found the courage to bite down. When his endoskeleton teeth were centimetres away from the baby's frontal lobe, he felt two hands holding his jaw open. Leon grunted as he pulled the jaws apart with all his might.
"Quick, pull him out!" Leon yelled, failing to pull the jaws any further. The woman pulled her son out of Freddy's mouth. Luckily, the baby was unharmed. Leon let go of Freddy's jaws when his blackened arm brushed against Freddy's head. The pain was unbearable, and he yelled out in pain. He stumbled backwards, Freddy twirling around to him.
"What the heck? I could've killed him! You're trying to save him now?"
"Yes. I realise now; this was a bad idea. Killing babies- especially when they're just born- is not right!" Leon replied. Freddy stared at him in disbelief. What they didn't realise was that Foxy had snuck over to the medical bed, hiding behind it so the woman wouldn't see him. He then snatched the baby- but in a very bad way, not with his hand. He had driven his hook straight through the baby's forehead. Blood poured everywhere, all over Foxy's hook and on the floor. Claire quickly covered Sherry's eyes, staring with fear at the dead baby.
"No!" Leon roared, trying to run at Foxy. But... something strange was happening... Foxy was fading! He turned around to see the other animatronics also fading. Of course! Since Afton created them, and now he was dead, they were never created! They fully faded, the baby's body dropping down to the floor. The woman began to sob. Her tears dripped on her son's corpse. Leon looked back at Claire and Sherry, frowning. Then he remembered- wasn't William Sherry's dad?
"Oh no... Sherry!" Leon yelled, causing Claire to peer down at her.
"What, Leon?" Sherry replied. That's when she started to fade as well- Claire grabbed her fading body.
"No no no no! Sherry!" she cried, hugging her. Before she faded completely, she hugged back. Claire jolted forward as she began to hug air- Sherry was gone.

"Wait..." Leon said, turning to Claire.
"William created the G-Virus, right?" Claire nodded.
"But... didn't we meet because of it?" Claire's eyes widened.
"Do you think it'll be affected... our friendship?" Leon was speechless. Could that really be the case? Or was their friendship too strong? A few minutes passed, and nothing happened.
"Maybe... not...?" Leon said slowly.
"Maybe only some things are affected; like, maybe we meet anyway sometime," Claire replied.
"Well, let's contact the others, then," Leon said, equipping his radio.
"Guys? Can anyone hear me?" Leon's voice came blaring out of Claire's radio, so she  turned the volume down. There was no response, and Leon tried again. Still no response. That's when Leon realised- Umbrella was the roots of CyberLife- and they created Mr X! There whole team of friends were gone- it was just Leon and Claire left out of all those people. Leon turned to the woman on the medical bed.
"Don't worry, we'll make this right." The two of them ran out of the hospital and to the time machine.
"T, take us to about an hour ago today!" Leon yelled.
"Taking you an hour into the past," T replied. It was much better in the time machine- lots more space. Leon sat on the edge of the little in-built bench, far to the left, while Claire sat on the right.  The journey was short, only ten seconds long. Leon hopped out of the time machine, acting like a gentleman giving Claire his right hand to help her out.

They raced to William's hospital room, only to see a woman going through labour. They stayed outside until the doctors left, signifying that the baby was born. Before Leon entered, he asked Claire something.
"Wait... if our other us sees us, what will happen? Will everything be ok?" he wondered. Claire shrugged.
"Let's hope that nothing bad happens." They both entered the hospital room to see a baby wrapped in cloth in the woman's arms.
"Oh- are you doctors?" she asked innocently. Claire sighed.
"No, but were he to help. We need to protect your son."
"What...? Why?"
"Because there will be some... people... who'll come in here and... try and take your baby. But don't worry! That's not gonna happen!" (Did I mention this was at night?) Just then, the room went dark. Leon turned on his flashlight.
"Sally," the woman said quickly. "Sally Afton." Leon nodded.
"I'm Leon Kennedy, and this is Claire Redfield." He gestured to Claire before continuing what he was saying before.
"Ok Sally, my watch says it's... 11:58, so I have to explain this quick. You hold the baby, protect it with your life. Me and Claire will keep an eye on the door, and window. So, just in case we have to leave, and you have to do this by yourself, I'll explain what you have to do then. Freddy is a good climber- he'll climb up the three storeys to the window. If you see him, shut the curtains. You'll have to hold them shut, or they might spread apart, and he'll see you. Bonnie and Chica will come to the door- they may come more than once, because they'll recheck all the rooms they've been to. All you have to do is hide in your bed; pull the covers over your head, stay still, do anything to hide. They aren't great at seeing in the dark. At least Bonnie and Chica aren't. And Foxy. He might be under your bed. When you see him crawl up, shine a flashlight in his eyes. He hates the light, but he's great at seeing in the dark. And make sure that William doesn't cry!" Sally was speechless.
"....Who.....? And how do you know my baby's name?" Leon sighed.
"We know your baby's name because- this is hard to believe- but we're from the future. Freddy is the bear, Bonnie is the bunny, Chica is the chicken and Foxy is the fox."
"Ok. And I actually believe you. That you came from the future." Leon sighed with relief, Claire handing Sally a flashlight.
"We do have to go- to find our other selves. See, we came here before, on a mission to kill William. But we realise now, it was wrong. We have to stop our other us's." The woman stared in shock at Leon.
"Wait... what did William do in the future to deserve this?" Leon looked at Claire.
"Should we tell her?" he whispered. Claire nodded.
"Well, he created killer animatronics, the ones who are coming for you now. And he created a virus, the G-Virus, with Umbrella, a pharmaceutical company. This virus destroyed our families, friends- the whole of Raccoon City! But he's only a baby- he's not doing it now!"
"Oh, and if you see a golden bear- or a boy in a striped singlet- tell him I said to rethink the plan." With that, Leon and Claire walked out of the room and down the hall, just as the clock chimed, signifying midnight. Sally looked at her new flashlight, and then to her new-born baby. She was having second thoughts of protecting hi- no! She was his mother! Even if he was horrible in the future, he wasn't horrible now! She peered at the door. Phew. This was gonna be a long night.

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